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CustosEcheveria t1_jdju4gm wrote

I like how it just glosses over the fact that the owner thinks unleashing his pitbull on deer in the middle of the night is normal


CouldNotAffordOne t1_jdjydtu wrote

Not a pitbull, but you are right with the rest.


CustosEcheveria t1_jdk1in2 wrote

I mean, there's literally a picture of the dog in question and it's a pitbull


Callmedrexl t1_jdkjv5s wrote

It's a Dogo Argentino. They're a mastiff breed. Not a pitbull.


CustosEcheveria t1_jdkk0k5 wrote

>a mastiff breed

Same shit.


RedditsAdoptedSon t1_jdlaadh wrote

kind of i guess..theyre all canines. ur right tho bellas not a cat or orangutan


FuckingCryAboutIt t1_jdmq1ko wrote

This was likely posted because the OP thought it was a pitbull too and there have been two pitbull mauling videos on the front page. Like clockwork when a mauling occurs suddenly /r/aww and others have "muh sweet pibble hippo" postings


jumpers4goaIposts t1_jdm773n wrote

It’s literally not a pitbull. Not only does it look like a dogo argentino they say in the video that it’s a dogo argentino.


KittyColonialism t1_jdmiufp wrote

It makes sense that someone who advocates for the killing of all pittbulls doesn’t even know what a pitbull is. Couldn’t make this stuff up.


CustosEcheveria t1_jdmj3v4 wrote

> advocates for the killing of all pittbulls

lol no, breeding and owning them should be banned, nobody advocates for going around and killing people's pets


tyrannomachy t1_jdlso75 wrote

It's almost impossible for a dog to actually catch a deer. Certainly not a dog like that.