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rumbrave55 t1_jdmoadf wrote

1999 Women’s World Cup is what got me into international football/soccer. It’s been wonderful to watch the women’s game grow.

I’m also impressed someone tied FC Barcelona. They were a true juggernaut last year.


rumbrave55 t1_jdmpi0p wrote

I have some doubts. They look incredible because the other Spanish clubs lack the talent they have.

I think you’ve seen them be tested in Champions League play. I’d also love for them to come to the US and play some NWLS teams. Just to see where the two leagues match up.


Antique_Steel t1_jdmxnja wrote

I grew up watching football, it was a big part of my culture, but I became very disenchanted with the men's game: spitting, swearing, cheating, diving, trash talking and pretty pathetic hypocrisy during the last World Cup from the England team. The women's game has been an absolute breath of fresh air and seems to be taking football back to football, I hope it stays so enjoyable.


Lemonmazarf20 t1_jdnexo1 wrote

I watched this match and Barca were very good. They were camped in Roma's penalty box in the first half and really should have scored more. And this Roma team is solid, they've played some really nice football this season and last. And they were much better in the second half of this match.


snoodletuber t1_jdo6vqj wrote

Although the women’s game is not as skilled as the men’s game, with the exception of a few teams( Brazil and Mexico) the women don’t dive , fake injury or make as many stupid fouls as the men


TreeRol t1_jdodlto wrote

I'd be careful about saying the women's game isn't as skilled. Is the passing and shooting less accurate? Are they less skilled at marking on defense?

They're not as fast, and they can't jump as high. That is inarguable. But less skilled? I wouldn't be so sure.


TreeRol t1_jdoem00 wrote

I'm not seeing that at all. I'm seeing someone mention a disadvantage, followed by an advantage.

What gives you the impression that it's not a genuine statement?


Busquessi t1_jdogjqy wrote

The Barcelona women’s team is just so entertaining to watch, absolutely dominant.


TreeRol t1_jdohuzb wrote

That sentiment has been expressed multiple times in this very comment section. I think it's a common perception of women's football. I doubt everyone is expressing it sarcastically.

Regardless, that doesn't even address the same thing my comment addressed. If someone truly believes women aren't as skilled, they should rethink that.


Seaguard5 t1_jdpbt6j wrote

It’s so sad that women’s sports are viewed less than men’s. Just… why?

Do people think women are less competitive??


EmJayCee-- t1_jdpfdz8 wrote

I love the feel of Women’s football, I suppose it has a slightly different pace, and is a bit more about tactical finesse in a way that just gets pounded out of the men’s game. Women’s tennis is similar to me in that regard, and I would it to become similarly popular / recognized


KiryusWhiteSuit t1_jdq5ezu wrote

Because they're not as good at said sports.

I guess it's the same reason that most people watch the Premier league instead of div3 or MLS or the Irish league. People usually want to see the best people at a sport play said sport.

Men and women aren't allowed to compete against each other in physical sports for a reason.

Obviously they are both as competitive as each other within their own sport. However, that doesn't put them on an equal skill level.

I am saying this objectively.

Personally, I'll happily watch women's soccer. But most won't, and above is one of the reasons.


RenzoARG t1_jdqe6a7 wrote

I'm glad they now have a reason to claim bigger paychecks. More public, more sponsors, better payments.

After watching the highlights. Damn, Roma's goalkeeper is a BEAST.


TreeRol t1_jdr51xv wrote

You think being a good athlete automatically means you can find a striker's head with a cross? Man, you should tell the Olympic decathletes that, because they're leaving hundreds of millions of dollars on the table!