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seniorfrito t1_je9oq8e wrote

I'm glad guys can just play video games and be completely distracted from the loneliness for a while. And when we're done with that, we've got The Mandalorian.


Dogenegra t1_je9psr1 wrote

Yes because famously women never play games or watch star wars


MateDude098 t1_je9r8pf wrote

Statistically speaking, much fewer of them. But they have other hobbies to compensate so your argument stays


GoBanana42 t1_jea1vh1 wrote

If we're including casual gaming (which we should cause it's 60% of the market), that's not really true. Women dominate mobile phone games.


MateDude098 t1_jea2ao8 wrote

I didn't think about mobile games but, hmm, that makes sense.


celticchrys t1_jeaasa7 wrote

Men could also join clubs, community sports teams, etc.


seniorfrito t1_jeb1qcd wrote

Agreed. I don't know why most don't. Or why men like me resort to just distraction instead.


zzyul t1_jecum1w wrote

Every community sports team I’ve joined has been insanely competitive. Like I’m just there to hang out and have fun but like everyone else seems to think this is their shot at making the pros.


flaminate_strutching t1_je9sm0p wrote

Boohoo, why aren’t the women making a group for us, too?? It isn’t faaaaiiirrrrr that they’re solving their own problems by themselves but not solving mine for me!


seniorfrito t1_je9t4hk wrote

What a vivid imagination you have there. Congratulations, well done. You have successfully projected your completely wrong perception of this. Thank you so much for sharing.