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LightninHooker t1_ir4zryo wrote

I find so weird that countries in Europe are still legalizing this. Spain did it 20 years ago and people in here still love self loathing about how "oppressive" this country is.

Btw 20 years ago already look retarded to me to not legalize this.

PP (right wing party) rallied heavily against this btw but after the law was passed one of the members married his boyfriend and the president of the party was at the wedding. It was something


Alis451 t1_ir5tfjo wrote

yep, even the US was only 10 years ago.. it with the current SCOTUS, it may take a stupid backslide.


kontor97 t1_ir5wij5 wrote

Just because it’s legalized doesn’t mean people accept it. Have you not seen how many gay men have been killed this year in Spain and how the cops barely take action?


LightninHooker t1_ir632eu wrote

Unfortunately crimes are always going to happen but spanish sociaity condemn those without a doubt included 100% of the politicians in Congress(even those that are extreme right)

Spain is one of the safest places in the world,lgtb people included.

Spain have had trans people on tv and cinema (Almodovar being the big name there) for more than 40 years and the most popular show(Salvame) on tv for more than a decade conducted by a totally open gay guy (Jorge Javier Vázquez)

Just to name some examples