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AmethystOrator OP t1_ir8f44n wrote

He might've had a good reason for that, or thought he did. Or maybe she wanted it for some reason?

I wouldn't have wanted to take a picture like that, but if it was the quickest way to get her out of the water then I would've. I wasn't there so can't say, only that it seems like the help he provided seems significant to me.


Djinn42 t1_ir8fa3v wrote

>He might've had a good reason for that

Except he said he was very concerned about her sores. I.e. get her out of the dirty water asap.


AmethystOrator OP t1_ir8fkds wrote

Right. I'm saying that IF she wanted a pic for some reason then snapping the pic and getting her out of the water would've almost certainly taken less time than trying to debate or negotiate with her.