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pollywantsacracker98 t1_ir9xjes wrote

No judgment here. But I’m wondering how you even begin? Like I’m sure you know the risks but you proceed regardless? Or was there a lack of understanding?


sushimane91 t1_ir9y8x5 wrote

Was young and dumb. Had a lot of bad things going on and was about 16/17. Just didn’t want to feel things and was already addicted to pain pills so it was an easy/cheaper transition. Never in 1000 years would I do the shit that’s on the streets now though. Russian roulette every time you use.


ilmst15 t1_irb2t83 wrote

I had a bit of a cocaine addiction for a couple years and I can tell you that when you first start out on an addictive drug like that, you think to yourself "wow, this isn't nearly as big a deal as people make it out to be." And then after a while as it dawns on you that you're addicted, you tell yourself "well sure, it destroys some people's lives, but I can keep it under control." And maybe you can, for a while. Some of the people I know who "have it under control" are deteriorating before my eyes.


TheWinRock t1_irc01av wrote

Young people are REALLY bad at looking at the big picture and assessing risk. There are also lots of people that are convinced for too long that they won't become addicted for x, y, or z reason.