Monster-Zero t1_irbhgxf wrote
Finally, shark condoms are being delivered to sharks in need
apittsburghoriginal t1_irbtsa9 wrote
Some of these sharks were around before the Salem Witch Trials
Mysteriousdeer t1_irbw7qa wrote
The Greenland shark is the funniest apex predator. I may have a weird sense of humor, but the fact it has a 1.6 mph top speed, which many land animals whether they be marine or not, can outpace.
The prey it chases is more often eaten while it sleeps, or they just don't know how this shark hunts.
Asparagus-Cat t1_ircp4re wrote
I think that's slow enough that even sloths can outswim them. Sloths.
Mysteriousdeer t1_ircq0n0 wrote
Seals are its primary diet. Again, think about that... how the hell does the seal get caught?
"Oh fuck it got me... I deserve this"
Gamebird8 t1_irdjilg wrote
Tortoise and the hare style
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