sanguwan t1_irivxzv wrote
Good for him! I actually saw this guy riding his bike the day of the championship. My wife and I were sitting in the turn lane at Queen K and he rode by with his assistant. His assistant was talking him through which gear to use and encouraging him to keep pushing. We were wondering if he completed the championship. It's good to hear he did.
KnightOfTheWinter t1_irix1a9 wrote
That is badass!
gurganator t1_irix3l4 wrote
RickJWagner t1_irixb9i wrote
Fantastic! This is the best 'Uplifting News' I've seen in a long time.
ProfessorPetrus t1_irizh7k wrote
Meh. I've been more uplifted and pretty recently too!
AroundAboutThere t1_irj1bxu wrote
Chris and his dad are super nice. He visited our school and worked out with our football team, talked to our kids with disabilities before giving a speech to the student body. He was nice and gracious and took pics with all the kids. He deserves all his success.
inpenetrable t1_irj1oac wrote
Damn, Shane Gillis really did it!
RussianBot13 t1_irj22wl wrote
I bet you're fun at parties.
[deleted] t1_irj4t6a wrote
ProfessorPetrus t1_irj55tp wrote
I'm alright. It's helpful to deviate from speaking in overused phrases there.
cute_polarbear t1_irj5a5l wrote
So bad ass. Great respect.
True-Specialist-726 t1_irj6y1k wrote
Fantastic 🥰
I_like_cool_shit_yo t1_irj8b1c wrote
I_like_cool_shit_yo t1_irj8bwj wrote
I_like_cool_shit_yo t1_irj8clj wrote
I_like_cool_shit_yo t1_irj8da2 wrote
I_like_cool_shit_yo t1_irj8dwa wrote
hughperman t1_irj8rcz wrote
Is it helpful to be a smartass and buzzkill?
JesseB342 OP t1_irja35t wrote
[deleted] t1_irjagjt wrote
XpLiCiT_OnEs t1_irjcjid wrote
This is huge!! So cool 😎!!
pomewawa t1_irjcyuf wrote
Wow, per Wikipedia he trained 4-8 hrs a day for a year!!
ProfessorPetrus t1_irjd07g wrote
Well I was just being sarcastic in my first comment there but going by how serious ranking uplifting news it round here, it helps bring levity.
allothernamestaken t1_irjdfsr wrote
I knew the Ironman was tough but damn
bogusVisitor t1_irjee95 wrote
I don't cry, but that made me. Note: Down's syndrome is obvious, so people are perceived as learning-disabled, but you get the whole range from no eye contact to "a bit slow but normal", basically the same intelligence & reactions as anyone else, but noticeably slower, which is nothing. It's not a particularly severe - in fact, usually pretty light - you won't be doing a maths degree, you will be average, but the main reason you'll be on benefits is cos it's visible. Autism is on average far more severe, but you're seen as normal so you're expected to get a job.
Phatman_420 t1_irjgmj8 wrote
Da boi 💪
caucasoidape t1_irjgr57 wrote
berserker strength!
TurrPhennirPhan t1_irjgvs3 wrote
Not mentioned in the title: after finishing, he immediately proposed to his girlfriend. >!She said “yes”.!<
12kdaysinthefire t1_irjh8yh wrote
That’s fucking rad man, good for him. That challenge is ridiculous.
Savetheworldtime t1_irjhe09 wrote
That’s awesome
Madmax1245 t1_irjjyxr wrote
Oh man. I couldn’t hold it together watching that video. What a guy
HingleMcCringle_ t1_irjlvfa wrote
This will help in future endeavors
It's not easy to tell what is sarcastic without a spoken tone.
bookworm725 t1_irjlvo0 wrote
Chris is an astonishing young man. He spoke over Zoom to our company. I really like his 1% challenge. Check him out here:
Rectal_Fungi t1_irjn7e2 wrote
Well he does have the strength of 10 men.
weaglebeagle t1_irjp8wh wrote
It's amazing how much progress has been made in helping people who have Downs syndrome to live full lives. I had a great aunt who had Downs and was born in the 50s, my grandmother told me they didn't expect her to live to 20. She only passed a few years ago. She was pretty severely disabled but was such a bright spot in our family. I only wish she'd been born later just because she'd have benefited from better care for her condition.
blatterbeast t1_irjpjxm wrote
It is awesome when people break new barriers. Everyone has potential. Don't discount anyone's ability.
Also, this is how people-centered titles should be written.
Venkman_83 t1_irjpm72 wrote
Or at least that’s what they told him…
PeterCushingsTriad t1_irjqmae wrote
Straight up bad ass motherfucker.
[deleted] t1_irjqssz wrote
heythisisbrandon t1_irjsy72 wrote
Promise ring not engagement but still cool
bortulisms t1_irjzox4 wrote
Words are hard, hey?
DaveinOakland t1_irjzrwj wrote
And here I am hurting my knee taking out the trash.
stillcallinoutbigots t1_irjzyfh wrote
Just went through your history trying to figure out what type of troll you are. I got good news for you and bad news for you.
The good news is you’re not a troll. The bad news is you might be bipolar. If you’re able to you should look into seeing a psychiatrist for a diagnosis if you haven’t already.
Take your medication even when you don’t want to, you’ll be happier and more stable in the long run.
txteebone t1_irk05q3 wrote
Not quite right. I think that they later reported that it is a promise ring and his girlfriend is a 16 yo special olympian that is also involved in triathlons.
duck-billedplatitude t1_irk2lcz wrote
Shane Gillis crushing it.
juice_made t1_irk32bs wrote
Does Down syndrome also affect your physical abilities somehow ? Because otherwise it’s not surprising that a person suffering from this could manage to finish it.
SJ_RED t1_irk5m47 wrote
Have you ever heard about the Backfire Effect? Keep going, the militant veganism is working out just great for you so far.
CookInKona t1_irk8f5q wrote
Maybe the only positive thing about the event this year.... For real, fuck IM and fuck what they do to their host locations.... It's world championship day today and our town has to enjoy the privilege of being shut down and most locals make less money than usual during this "great for our economy event" because of how stingy the athletes are and the fact that they are not here to support the community or experience it even, just to race... Fuck all that
Good for this kid, but this event is not uplifting in any way
GrossoGGO t1_irk9vb0 wrote
Yes, heart defects and joint laxity that would affect an individual's overall fitness and ability to perform strenuous activities are common among individuals with trisomy 21/Down Syndrome.
[deleted] t1_irkabmq wrote
BackIn2019 t1_irkbg22 wrote
He's 23, she's 16.
Aalnius t1_irkbpp5 wrote
seems sus then if hes 23 dating a 16 yr old kid.
patienceisfun2018 t1_irkcrie wrote
Zealousideal-Tea3576 t1_irkdbqp wrote
Damn this guy is a better athlete and better with woman than me
chevyfried t1_irkfc66 wrote
Ironmans are tight.
say592 t1_irkfjsk wrote
I had that initial reaction as well, but then again, he has a developmental disability so I guess it's not quite the same? Like he's not mentally a 23 year old, nor is he living his life the same way a 23 year old would be typically.
[deleted] t1_irkg39t wrote
[deleted] t1_irkg6rr wrote
Most_Row9234 t1_irkgl5o wrote
Shame they didn't name him Chrisis Nikic
chevyfried t1_irkgp3o wrote
Before anyone whips out the pitchforks, let's not forget the benefit of the doubt. He trains hours a day, has a support structure and a serious mental handicap. If I were to guess his life is not filled with scanning high schools and statutory rape. I'm not saying if we break it down to just the bare bone fact of a 23 yo dating a 16yo isn't frowned upon, but maybe this is that 1 out if a million wxception where no crimes are being committed and they are happy. I could totally be wrong, but just for a minute let's hope I'm not.
2absMcGay t1_irki0ko wrote
I work very closely with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
This relationship is not appropriate. Ever.
2absMcGay t1_irki4qj wrote
No it doesn't. I work with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It's not appropriate by anyone's standards.
sheisbreasts t1_irkije0 wrote
Meh, I've seen more effective and funnier sarcasm.
Plus, this news is so fluffy it doesn't need levity
[deleted] t1_irkj81v wrote
[deleted] t1_irkjvxj wrote
Ruthless4u t1_irkkw5d wrote
Great news
A lot of hard work pays off
blu02 t1_irkky0c wrote
Phrases won't go away as long as there's poopers
[deleted] t1_irkl86s wrote
stillcallinoutbigots t1_irklof8 wrote
I’m done with you now. Move along.👋🏿
patienceisfun2018 t1_irkm8nn wrote
Apparently you're not, if you keep commenting and leaving emojis
wordyplayer t1_irkptny wrote
Ironman racing is a huge life commitment. I know a guy that does Ironman's and all his spare time is running or biking or swimming
hellojoey t1_irks6ej wrote
Yeah age is just a number and anythings fair game if you can't count.
I_like_cool_shit_yo t1_irkth2k wrote
Fucc yea
megabreakfast t1_irku3uq wrote
Holy shit
Thats_him t1_irkz66h wrote
Can confirm. I've done 2 half's and 1 full Ironman. At the peak of training I was spending 14-18 hours a week either running, biking, swimming or lifting. After I completed my full last year I decided it wasn't fair to my wife or family to spend all of that free time training for another. I'm proud to say I've done it but honestly life is more complete and fulfilling being involved with my family in my free time.
BiPolarerShooter t1_irl04a6 wrote
Thats insanly impressive.
Starfire013 t1_irl2iqi wrote
But then there’d be so many “but can it run, Chrisis?” dadjokes.
[deleted] t1_irl4g6d wrote
Most_Row9234 t1_irl4uc6 wrote
DrMangosteen t1_irl53lf wrote
"Hmmm. Considering the implications of this personally makes me uncomfortable so I say we allow it"
Cramerica26 t1_irl67s8 wrote
I think this is fucking awesome
DotKill t1_irl8eiy wrote
He has a developmental disability so it's okay for him to date kids /s
Edit: classic reddit. Bring on the downvotes cause you're alright with a 23 year old dating a 16 year old. Multiple people in the thread who work with people like this are saying this is absolutely inappropriate, but go off lmao
JesseB342 OP t1_irl9k5n wrote
You know whenever I hear people going on about how there’s still rampant bigotry in the world I don’t want to believe it. Then I see comments like this and it reminds me just how ignorant people can be.
Happy-Idi-Amin t1_irlb8fg wrote
Plot twist: he's playing the long game to throw off the women who are getting suspicious.
Rectal_Fungi t1_irlez3i wrote
In the good ol days of pre-2015, yes. Now you'd call it reddit strength or something.
shrekyone t1_irlgh1n wrote
That’s how being an adult works
WessizleTheKnizzle t1_irlir2h wrote
>inb4 ThE LiBtArDs ArE rUiNiNg EvErYtHiNg
gurganator t1_irllgmj wrote
gurganator t1_irllhth wrote
Change4GoodCanada t1_irln8ii wrote
Fucking rights !!
Change4GoodCanada t1_irlnc0w wrote
Man I wish there was more ppl like this.
Ok_Truck_7712 t1_irlsy0g wrote
weelamb t1_irm0p41 wrote
Can you please elaborate, 2absMcGay?
BackIn2019 t1_irm6gc9 wrote
>Like he's not mentally a 23 year old
By that reasoning, isn't his 16 year old "girlfriend" with developmental disabilities even younger mentally, making that relationship even more problematic?
I_like_cool_shit_yo t1_irmp2oa wrote
I_like_cool_shit_yo t1_irmp3hb wrote
Aleriya t1_irmtbog wrote
One of the symptoms of Down Syndrome is weakness and poor muscle tone. Everyone who completes an Ironman has to train very hard, but this guy probably had to train even harder.
pomewawa t1_irmu0zc wrote
Thanks for sharing, good perspective.
[deleted] t1_irmu48g wrote
txteebone t1_irmums2 wrote
My bet is that all their parents are supportive and that their dates are chaperoned.
f00mado t1_irpufo0 wrote
which ones did you do
Fast_Enthusiasm_6655 t1_irpzom3 wrote
Proof that even people with Down’s Syndrome can make great achievements. 👍
gurganator t1_irqxls0 wrote
Rude-Scholar-469 t1_irr48r9 wrote
16:31:27, out of a 17:00:00 time limit. Dude did well. He beat 50 people to the finish line.
ProfessorPetrus t1_is1o1bx wrote
They sure are machigne.
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