Wandering_Mobiler OP t1_irsstsk wrote
"The city of Monterrey will initiate its green corridors plan with the Parque Lago project in the northern part of the metropolis, informed the municipality's Parks and Green Corridors System.
The plan seeks to integrate a solution that combats the climate emergency, as well as the inequalities produced by the lack of green urban infrastructure.
The Parks and Green Corridors System has 18 other park projects, totaling 94 hectares of rehabilitated parks and more than 73 kilometers of complete streets with extreme tree planting.
These projects are expected to add more than 20,000 native trees to the municipal tree inventory.
This is the first major project of the Green Agreement for Monterrey. The objective of the Parque Lago project is to generate a quality public space that functions as a detonator of urban, environmental, social and economic improvement, considering integrating activities to attract more diverse users, rehabilitating pre-existing hydrological resources and improving the infrastructure and equipment of the park in conjunction with its respective green corridor connection," said Laura Ballesteros Mancilla, secretary of Sustainable Urban Development.
The Lake Park project consists of 8 hectares of green public space and its specific objectives are to generate environmental services such as water and carbon capture, as well as to combat extreme heat in the area, in addition to improving access to green and recreational areas for the surrounding population and the municipality.
The project is expected to include more than 800 new native trees and directly benefit a population of 120,000 inhabitants. This is also one of the first actions of the City's Extreme Heat Office.
For this first stage of construction of Parque Lago, Zone 1 will be developed, where there will be areas for early childhood with high quality games and furniture, contemplation areas with rest furniture, and areas equipped with picnic and chess tables. Work on the first stage will be completed during the first week of November.
The next stage to be built, currently under bidding, is Zone 2, which includes a multipurpose court, basketball courts, a children's court, a pentathlon area, an outdoor gymnasium and other programs under review such as a skate park and a dog park."
YellowWizard99 t1_irsyfeq wrote
This actually sounds effective. Rather than just creating new taxes and hoping that helps.
Wandering_Mobiler OP t1_irszi6v wrote
I know! I have no idea what is going on in my city, but for some reason we seem to be having, since I can remember, a semi-working government that is actually trying to do stuff.
They are also planning on building 3 new metro lines and a train to combat traffic, which is something I never thought they would ever address, let alone actively plan on combatting.
SilverNicktail t1_irt43l6 wrote
Wow, congrats. Seeing progress after years of stalemate is always super satisfying. Hope it continues for you.
Up here in Vancouver we're continuing to expand the transit system (which to be fair is actually a pretty good transit system), but the city design is still extremely car-centric. It's starting to change in some districts, though, with the city experimenting with replacing sidewalks to aid with water retention and stop the risk of flooding.
Mobius_Peverell t1_irt4doj wrote
From the perspective of an outsider who doesn't speak Spanish, Monterrey really seems to be setting a high bar for government effectiveness. That metro system is a tremendous accomplishment.
Wandering_Mobiler OP t1_irt4xca wrote
It's funny since my city (Monterrey) is often made fun of for being "Americanized" and being car-centric, but we have almost 6 million people yet have the same Urban Sprawl as Austin, which has less than half our population.
A comment that stuck with me was that we are doing poorly in walkability, my city is still much closer to Paris or Amsterdam than to Los Angeles or most cities in America.
epelle9 t1_irt5ioi wrote
Then you realize we only started doing this when we started seeing heavy draughts, so next year we won’t have water to water them.
And that we still allow corporations to pollute as much as they want.
Its definitely one of the best governed and most efficient cities in Mexico, but that isn’t saying much..
jbarrera03 t1_irt5x9r wrote
Wasn't there a water shortage issue recently, how will this watered?
epelle9 t1_irt69qz wrote
As someone from Monterrey, what we actually need is increasing taxes depending on how much a company pollutes.
They allow corporations to pollute as much as possible, and then spend tax dollars on green spaces when we don’t have enough water to maintain them.
Last dry season people were having their water cut for multiples days at a time. With our water shortages, all this means is next year we’ll be giving water to plants instead of giving it to people.
We need accountability from companies that pollute freely and not just surface level solutions that waste valuable resources barely treating the symptoms.
[deleted] t1_irt7q9s wrote
Wandering_Mobiler OP t1_irt83ob wrote
Fortunately heavy rains finally filled the reservoirs somewhat, ending the drought for about half a year.
This is actually why they plan on planting the streets, as they want to stop the pollution present in the city, and have more walkable areas to reduce the use of cars.
FoxIslander t1_irt8hgf wrote
When did Monterrey take over the #2 spot from Guadalajara?
Wandering_Mobiler OP t1_irt917k wrote
Isn’t agriculture the main source of water waste?
Wandering_Mobiler OP t1_irt91yv wrote
Like 2 years ago
epelle9 t1_irt98om wrote
Yeah, we need accountability for our agricultural water waste too.
doublehelixman t1_irtbtnl wrote
Yup, came here to say that this was probably in response to their terrible draught this summer.
Ilderion t1_irtct1z wrote
In 2020 with the last census.
voltsmeter t1_irtdd56 wrote
Go, Mesko!
A_R_K_S t1_irtf6tr wrote
More like “then you realize this plan is an exact copy of one part of a massive plan provided to multiple subnational & national governments by the UNCCC”. This is exactly what so many cities across America are doing & they’re all centered around the years 2030, 2035 & 2050.
R3quiemdream t1_irth9h8 wrote
Mostly worried about water supplies, but hell yeah, lets go Mexico
RDO_Desmond t1_irtrupz wrote
They understand more than the Republicans in the U.S.
alexbananas t1_irts773 wrote
Samuel García 2030 🥰
fleegz2007 t1_irtuiu0 wrote
My wife comes from a city called Apizaco. When she was a teenager a guy ran for office under the slogan “Apizaco verde”! Saying green Apizaco, this guy dreamt up big plans to bring fresh trees and grass to the urban areas of Apizaco.
My man was elected governor, amassed great funding for his Apizaco verde initiative, and then basically set up cement centerlines in the middle of the main roads and painted them lime green. Somehow amassed a great amount of money on the side to build the only top of class mall in Apizaco.
Nothing to do with this story, but still thought it was fun to share.
Edit: For anyone curious, I found this pic online of what the centerlines look like
First-Celebration-11 t1_irtyfvh wrote
Que no se les olviden prender una vela
stars_mcdazzler t1_iru3x7s wrote
"The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago.
The second best time to plant one is today."
Better late then never I guess.
somerandommystery t1_iru4r7z wrote
This I actually like.
UnluckyDrink t1_iru9ngi wrote
Or we could just stop a handful of mega corporations from destroying the earth with impunity. That would also work.
FinalScourge t1_iruamgt wrote
Too little too late in my opinion
definitely_not_obama t1_iruf9gl wrote
pues los balazos técnicamente liberan más liquidos...
samsounder t1_irui8kv wrote
We CAN win this fight, but we need to realize this is the biggest fight in human history. Then we need to gear up
hedleyazg t1_irujc35 wrote
Adding trees and their detritus that falls helps the ground absorb and hold moisture for longer periods.
imontatooine t1_iruk98x wrote
And I totally think having more walkable area will really have a positive outcome. My mom walks whenever she can and I know if there was a way for her to safely walk to like the Liverpool close to her she'd walk all the time. Then there'd be no stopping her from shopping...
StealthFocus t1_irulrjw wrote
With tears
dovahart t1_irum4bl wrote
It has its ups and downs.
Monterrey’s population lacks water because of industrial operations, to the point they have enough water to shower twice a week (depends on zone). Income disparity is insane, as well, and the richer zones have better services and utilities. On the other hand, it’s a quite rich zone with lots of innovation and industry clusters.
In other words: sucks for you if you are poor lol
dovahart t1_irum811 wrote
Lmao, commented almost the same. Corporations suck, and this is from an MBA lmao
sc4s2cg t1_iruovwv wrote
That sounds pretty awesome
StormSolid5523 t1_irur8ln wrote
Way to go Mexico !
Mamadeus123456 t1_irurr41 wrote
Monterrey is not second largest city
Spascucci t1_irut4fo wrote
Yes it is, it surpassed Guadalajara un the last census
Spascucci t1_irutuxl wrote
There áre important hydric projects for the city also under construction, the Cuchillo 2 acueduct just Started construction and the Libertad Dam its going to finish construction next year, this 2 projects áre expected yo guarantee the water supply for Monterrey for the next 10 years and also there áre other 2 hydric projects at planning stage the Monterrey VI project that involves extracting water from the Pánuco river for the city and a desalinization plant project
Chucolate915 t1_iruucb8 wrote
Lmao if you hate republicans you are really going to hate people from Monterrey
Chucolate915 t1_iruud1u wrote
No it’s too late
Wandering_Mobiler OP t1_iruvq5b wrote
Yeah we’re VERY conservative for US standards, or at least people in my immediate circle
IslandDoggo t1_iruxrc8 wrote
America caused this grief for the globe with their greed it is the least they can do really
AgoraiosBum t1_iruy3rq wrote
That's not as fun as I thought...
ForProfitSurgeon t1_iruy883 wrote
Fresh air is underrated.
PersonOfInternets t1_iruyksi wrote
America and china.
Chucolate915 t1_iruzdwb wrote
I have always said. If republicans could build their own city it would look like Monterey.
wottsinaname t1_irv1uej wrote
The article says its 94 hectares. This will be the equivalent of a fart in the wind for combating climate change.
Especially when you consider that these parks arent natural parks but architecturally designed spaces. There will be tonnes of concrete used in the project which isnt exactly environmentally friendly.
Its good PR for the city though.
Deceptichum t1_irv36j9 wrote
Wouldn’t them doing this be a good thing by improving ground water gain through green spaces?
joakims t1_irvcilt wrote
That's very nice for the local environment (for birds, bees and humans), but please don't tell me it's to "combat climate change". That's some BS, planting trees doesn't compensate for all the pollution we keep producing.
It doesn't have to be about climate change to be a good thing. Why not just say you're planting trees for the environment? That's more than enough reason!
Suitable-Mountain-81 t1_irvfrhd wrote
Cool very cool -mexicans after building those corridors
Mamadeus123456 t1_irvg8lx wrote
collapsingwaves t1_irvm4fk wrote
This is good news, but it will not be very effective at tackling climate change
FragWall t1_irvo3xu wrote
That's great! Best wishes to you and your country.
raven_snow t1_irvoeag wrote
- Thanks for sharing, this is making me feel really hopeful. 2. I had no idea that México's second largest city was Monterrey! I'm learning all sorts of things today.
sc4s2cg t1_irvoofw wrote
Oh. I assumed by America they were referring to the two continents.
Tobar_the_Gypsy t1_irvqx3c wrote
Doesn’t planting trees help prevent droughts though?
DeTrotseTuinkabouter t1_irvriyu wrote
This should be 'to combat the effects of climate change'. This is negligible in terms of carbon capture.
stephenforbes t1_irvu84d wrote
I don't think 18 trees are going to do much.
[deleted] t1_irw0f1y wrote
PsiVolt t1_irw13vx wrote
but planting new trees that require lots of water to grow... during a drought... that doesn't add up
emiel_vt t1_irw18zl wrote
The benefits go much further than that. Living in a greener city makes people more happy.
perpetualmotionmachi t1_irw3f02 wrote
And, areas with trees can be cooler on hot days
RDO_Desmond t1_irw3nr7 wrote
I don't believe that hating others is right. Just because I view republicans as being bad stewards of our planet, the economy and people, it does not mean that I hate them. Rather, it means that I view them as unfit to represent us in any capacity.
j_rge_alv t1_irw3s1b wrote
San petrinos use more water combined than the rest of the city yet they didn’t experienced cuts as often.
vacacow1 t1_irw79a0 wrote
Well Monterrey is usually fighting for the top spot in pollution, because of lack of green spaces.
121PB4Y2 t1_irwbh1c wrote
For the ones who can’t recognize the big ass mountain in the thumbnail.
121PB4Y2 t1_irwbzfs wrote
Right down to the closed down steel foundry!
My sweet Jenny I’m sinking down, here darling in New Lioooooonnnnnnn
SidewinderTV t1_irwdlf1 wrote
It is to combat climate change, just not in the way you're thinking.
Planting trees helps with rising temperatures in urban environments.
SidewinderTV t1_irwdmqj wrote
It is to combat climate change, just not in the way you're thinking.
Planting trees helps with rising temperatures in urban environments.
Wandering_Mobiler OP t1_irwglsy wrote
Or the fact that it's mentioned in the first sentence of the article.
Chucolate915 t1_irwojmj wrote
Funny. Because Monterrey is the most affluent and well run city in Mexico and I will argue in the top 5 in Latin America.
Or course the conservatism in the area also has its downsides. Classism and racism is rampant in MY
kerelberel t1_irwphsb wrote
Why is their metro system noteworthy?
Mobius_Peverell t1_irwprfx wrote
It was built extremely quickly & inexpensively, and seems to serve its purpose very well.
121PB4Y2 t1_irwxrqk wrote
Yup. But I will say that the possibilities to “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” are enough to make any republican salivate like a labrador retriever looking at a Pop Tart. There are few cities in the country where being poor is a choice. If you want a job in MTY, you can get it, as long as you can show up on time and sober to a factory 5-6x a week.
collapsingwaves t1_irwyqt7 wrote
It helps enormously with local temperatures, is to be applauded, supported, celebrated and really ought to be standard urban, and suburban planning.
It is not however combating climate change in any meaningful sense.
H1ld3gunst t1_irxdwr0 wrote
Paradoxically, plants help with droughts, especially trees. Their roots open the soil, so it can absorb water more easily, and store it.
This helps immensly with floods and droughts.
LuckyTrain4 t1_irxq3jc wrote
This is the other “Green Infrastructure” that we need.
Flaky-Reindeer1545 t1_iryyd2x wrote
Well, that drug money's gotta go somewhere.
Chucolate915 t1_irzf05l wrote
Yet Monterrey has become the most affluent city in Mexico with those same republican and conservative view points you despise lmao
joakims t1_is056n7 wrote
That makes more sense. Thanks for telling me I was wrong :)
RDO_Desmond t1_is0ei4m wrote
How so? Republicans in the U.S. continue to mock climate change and resist any attempts to transition away from fossil fuels. They don't even give a damn about clean water. Laura Ingram encourages the continued use of plastic and mocks all who warn about what it is doing to our water, including the oceans.
Wandering_Mobiler OP t1_is26ufv wrote
I don’t care about Republicans and don’t know who Laura Ingram is.
Take your American politics elsewhere.
RDO_Desmond t1_is2bpgp wrote
Last time I checked we're all on the same planet. Glad Monterey is planting trees.
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