vikt_r t1_irymdd5 wrote
personally i wouldn't want a cop to look on my license and have the knowledge i'm non binary. I hope more cis people use this, because why do we even need gender markers on licenses lmao
Criticalhit_jk t1_irz30d2 wrote
Honestly imagine taking this license somewhere like Texas or Alaska. It's like wearing a kick me sign in grade school except the bullies have guns and can't be prosecuted, fired, questioned or investigated
booperdooperscooper t1_is02r6q wrote
Feel free to read the rest of the the thread for the 'why'.
Your being nb has no bearing on medical reality.
vikt_r t1_is3jc0m wrote
medical reality acknowledges non binary people and im not even non binary so lol
ashtonishing18 t1_irymru2 wrote
I was filling fucking employment insurance and it asked me ..why? Lol
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