purple-lemons t1_iseey9p wrote
Do they just kind of wing it for people who don't play an instrument?
613vc420 t1_iseo13z wrote
They give you a kazoo. Excellent comment btw
Juice8oxHer0 t1_iseszhg wrote
This is the real reason we all had to learn Hot Cross Buns on the recorder
Rargmas t1_isepnpl wrote
For similar procedures in people who aren’t musicians, they will constantly talk to the person. Ask questions, have them count, or tell them to do something with their hands to asses speech and motor function
Sherwood1487 t1_iseyu8z wrote
Just give me my switch and animal crossing
Jakemcdtw t1_isf90nf wrote
Oh no, something has gone wrong. They seem to have gone into a vegetative state with little to no brain function!
LatinoCanadian1995 t1_isfgf1v wrote
Holy burn Batman!
MSnotthedisease t1_isfld7g wrote
Yeah, its so they can know they messed up when you suddenly rip an absolute banger of a solo
[deleted] t1_isekjpt wrote
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