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[deleted] t1_issg2jx wrote



Mediamuerte t1_isssz3m wrote

Your personally don't agree with the way they were born? Would you say that about a person for the color of their skin or about someone who was born needing a wheelchair?


DextersApprentice t1_isswtwx wrote

I'm not going to downvote you for saying you don't agree with our "choice" because I at least appreciate the sentiment that we deserve equality in your eyes. However, as a trans man who previously identified as a lesbian, I can say 100% not a single choice was made here. I was, as they say, born this way and so was everyone else in the LGBTQ+ community. I'm not going to downvote you but I'm here to simply say that your acceptance from a legal standpoint while you publicly argue that being gay is a choice, is not enough. If you're already in the mindset that we are "equal" or at least deserving of equality then I think we should also be deserving of your understanding.


230flathead t1_ist7erp wrote

It's not a choice.


deathnoxxx t1_isumfjz wrote

that’s debatable… show me the science and i’ll disprove it with more science.


230flathead t1_isumtfq wrote

That's bullshit and you know it.


deathnoxxx t1_isv0kdu wrote

it’s true… show me the science


230flathead t1_isv0wt6 wrote

Did you choose to be straight?


deathnoxxx t1_isv7ygu wrote

i was influenced to be this way by my genetics and the environment i was raised in.


230flathead t1_isv93nr wrote

>i was influenced to be this way by my genetics

So you're saying you were born that way.


deathnoxxx t1_isveawn wrote

it’s a combination of many factors not just one and hard to duplicate consistently. that’s why so many different groups of scientists cannot agree on is it nature or nurture, it’s a bit of everything and it’s difficult to repeat consistently and im talking about traits and genetics not homosexuality. sure we can do some but there are many more complex things we don’t even come close to. like curing cancers, how to get rid of psychopathy.


230flathead t1_isvg185 wrote

Why do you think being gay is a choice? Why would anyone want to be ostracized by people like you who think they chose to be that way?


[deleted] t1_isvhwva wrote



230flathead t1_isvimd0 wrote

What? I'm asking you. Why do you think people choose to be gay?


deathnoxxx t1_iswj2i4 wrote

i’ve never-claimed to know the cause of your deviant behaviour, all i know is that like any other species on this planet our main goal or directive is to continue the species. like any other life form, from single cell to animal to us our goal is to propagate. to simply eat, sleep, produce… evolve. why do you think we’re here?


MycenaeanGal t1_isst1tq wrote

Wait are you just speaking hypothetically or do you not agree with people being gay?


deathnoxxx t1_isunnl1 wrote

people have the inherent freedom to be whatever they want to be, just as everyone else has the same freedom not to accept this.


deepfriedleaves t1_isutlsy wrote

white supremacists don't accept that black people have the same rights as white people, does that make their opinion okay? no. of course, everyone has the "freedom" to believe whatever they'd like, but having freedom =/= their opinion valid or correct.


MycenaeanGal t1_isuytp2 wrote

Again, what do you believe?


deathnoxxx t1_isv7k00 wrote

as i stated above i believe in freedom. simply put your allowed to love whoever just as the next is allowed to hate whoever.


MycenaeanGal t1_isv918k wrote

I don’t believe we should leave it alone if people hate us. That hate can later turn to violence. And I hope you’d agree that violence against me is the ultimate impingement upon my freedom. Societally there just isn’t a case for letting people like that just go about their lives without challenging them and or removing the threat one way or another.


deathnoxxx t1_isvds22 wrote

very dangerous grounds you choose to stand upon. starting to look like an oppressor rather than the oppressed.


MycenaeanGal t1_isvf13p wrote

What lol???


deathnoxxx t1_isvfuji wrote

“Societally there just isn’t a case for letting people like that just go about their lives without challenging them and or removing the threat one way or another.” sounds pretty authoritarian and… sad


MycenaeanGal t1_isvg0rz wrote

How? I’m confused.


deathnoxxx t1_iswy3ox wrote

i just quoted what you said


MycenaeanGal t1_isxk188 wrote

Well if you agree that I’m not calling for violence like you thought yesterday then I still don’t know what’s authoritarian about that.


creativeburrito t1_issigzy wrote

Seriously, outside the bedroom, we all go through challenges. Being a partner to someone, being a team, those benefits should be connected. The slings and arrows of life keep on coming no matter orientation.


eatmereddit t1_istxfpf wrote

>The slings and arrows of life keep on coming no matter orientation.

Yeah but you don't get dishonourably discharged from the military for being straight.

You don't lose benefits you risked your life for because you are straight.


[deleted] t1_iswucxe wrote



deathnoxxx t1_iswxs1k wrote

it’s all about choices…


EnragedBasil t1_isyv635 wrote

You're factually and morally wrong. It isn't about choice. No one would choose to be bullied and ridiculed for simply being attracted to the same gender/sex. No would would choose to be murdered for liking the same sex/gender if they could just switch their sexual preference. It's not as simple as choosing. Homosexuality is observed in over 1000 and counting different species of animals which are purely instinctually based. No choice there.