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bourbonandcustard t1_it7fkpt wrote

Ok but they could just not keep them in captivity in the first place.


sarahmagoo t1_it7g1nf wrote

Well the fact is they ARE in captivity and banning shows achieves nothing for the animals other than making people feel good.


AMeanCow t1_it88f6e wrote

You're poorly educated on this topic and trying to argue for enslaving sapient creatures for human entertainment. It's not a good look.


scattingcougar t1_it81q6p wrote

Do you not think banning shows would negate the need for keeping them in captivity?

Of course there are already lots kept in captivity, but banning shows would significantly reduce (if not eliminate) the need for this.


cutezie t1_itagt5z wrote

> banning shows achieves nothing for the animals other than making people feel good.

Wait... are you against this because you think it's "cancel culture"? You think people are only doing this because of some kind of performative display of virtue?

If so, that's horrific and you probably need to reexamine how much propaganda you're swallowing. We're talking about intelligent creatures here, every study in the world has shown conclusively that captive conditions radically reduce the lifespans and emotional health of dolphins and whales. This isn't a partisan social issue, it's literally the moral advancement of our species.