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mondychan t1_itjmjy7 wrote

The biggest city in china is ~25M, norway by comparison is ~5M


noob_lvl1 t1_itk033c wrote

Okay, maybe it’s me but this seems less impressive then. Like yeah it’s great that they can produce as much power as a whole country but when that country has 1/5 the population as your largest city then relatively speaking it doesn’t seem that great.


SirBootyTooty t1_itk1f8m wrote

Did you even bother reading the article? It is referring to a single city in China (Chaozhou) which has a population of 2.5 million compared to Norway’s 5 million.

A city of 2.5 million will produce enough wind power for all of Norway. China total population or any of China’s other cities is irrelevant to this article.


noob_lvl1 t1_itk1oqe wrote

What? People read the articles? JK. I mean it’s still impressive but their total population absolutely matters. It means this is like a drop in a bucket of water.
