CaptanDonkey t1_itnrzta wrote
GaiusTreebeard t1_itnsgs8 wrote
Sponsored by GeneCo, maker of Zydrate!
DanteJazz t1_itntdh1 wrote
The organ shortage could be solved so simply: Create an opt-out process rather than opt-in. Everyone would be considered opt-in to organ donation upon death, unless they opt-out. (Usually, it's on the driver's license in California for opting in). Then, we would have a lot of organs available.
Since no one thinks they are going to die, they don't put opt-in, and some people have religious beliefs that keep them from donating. Meanwhile, 7000 people die a year because of lack of organ donations. 3.3 million people died in the US last year. If even 10% donated organs, that would be 330,000 people, and I think 7000 organs could be found among those that are suitable.
I'd like to see 1 or 2 of our 50 states do this as a pilot project.
KorgX3 t1_itnv8w6 wrote
My mother is one of those religious types. She believes if you donate organs, it's going to make it harder for Jesus to resurrect you after the Rapture or some shit. I'm like, "the Dude could just make me new organs," but she thinks everyone is going to be literal zombies coming back to life in their old bodies.
Personally, I opt in every fucking time not just because it's the right thing to do but to spite that old cow. Chop me up, sell me on, make me a cadaver so some intern can play with my micropenis. I don't care; just have fun.
redgreenapple t1_itnx60c wrote
One day I hope to read about advances in medicine or science that are here, now, ready to be enjoyed.
Instead of this endless stream of "new method could one day cure all cancers" and then... nothing.
DerpyTheGrey t1_itny2qk wrote
mRNA vaccines?
Ok_Skill_1195 t1_itnyrgn wrote
You should go over human decomposition with her. I have no doubt she wouldn't realize she was wrong, but it would be interesting to watch how she tries to incorporate that into her zombie resurrection head cannon.
Or do only the recently dead get to come back?
redgreenapple t1_itnz4lv wrote
Good point. Can I have more tho?
Bonesmash t1_itnzzko wrote
To add to this hilarious point: what about cremation? How about the “relics” of catholic saints? Does the saint revive around its head or some other holy body part, like a finger. This could be really important for saints who got parted out by the church.
KorgX3 t1_ito1vxr wrote
I have no idea, but I don't talk to her anymore. She was raised Mormon so I assume that's where it comes from. She has her 10 year supply of food in the basement, she painted her house bright colors, all this shit she was told to do because the end of days was supposed to happen in her lifetime. A lot of them also believe the Earth is only 7000 years old and that dinosaur fossils were put there by Lucifer to deceive us. It's best to just keep them at arm's length. lol
DerpyTheGrey t1_ito3zsf wrote
Solar panels get more efficient every year
Ok_Skill_1195 t1_ito460v wrote
Yikes, sorry you had to grow up in that, glad you got out.
mason240 t1_ito4p9k wrote
My body is mine by default. It's not yours. It doesn't belong to society.
Throwaway021614 t1_ito4y37 wrote
“The doctor gave me a pill and I grew a new kidney!”
tjborch t1_ito79wl wrote
His implication doesn’t say your body is the state’s while you exist. Removed part implying you have no rights when you’re dead.
Oznog99 t1_itoaa5g wrote
"... fully functional?" FULLY FUNCTIONAL!
This may be the most messed-up scene in Star Trek canon. In the whole hospital, he is there mortified at "the dark ages!" and implies his peers here are SO ignorant and incompetent at practicing medicine. Over and over. Dude, when did you become a cranky entitled old man complaining about everyone else? Because you're from another time, you have to hate on these doctors?
He's not her doctor, and knows nothing but that she claims she's on dialysis. Still he gives her a life-altering medication. Which should help, sure, but damn, you don't know anything about her case. There's no informed consent.
He keeps these miracle pills right in his pocket to heal people like Jesus. Does this regenerate other things? Does he always bring them along? I assume he didn't pack this morning and say "better bring this one, in case someone has kidney failure on the mission"
McCoy is kind of a dick here. The ends doesn't justify the means. New kidney aside, that was a dick move.
Oznog99 t1_itoafvq wrote
Oznog99 t1_itoaiz3 wrote
She's not a Christian, she's an Egyptian pharoah.
onlyoncomp t1_itoflpm wrote
How do you explain the fact that in other countries where organ donation is opt-out, the shortage is almost as bad as it is in the United States?
Windyandbreezy t1_itog0uo wrote
I like my organs in patient, not out of patient thank you very much.- a dad
killbawqs t1_itogjnr wrote
Will it come in a little glass vial?
darabolnxus t1_itohcn7 wrote
Except you have no idea how long your consciousness lingers in a dead body. You could he stuck in there as you decompose and slowly disappear. Either way, bodily autonomy doesn't end at death. Otherwise I'd be getting some old white guy's inheritance.
Not_as_witty_as_u t1_itoifxj wrote
Anything to kick you early amirite?!
tjborch t1_itoik1f wrote
If there are no heirs to an inheritance the entirety of it goes to the state. Similar to this concept I would say. If there are no plans for the body then let the organs be harvested.
How would a body with zero brain activity harbor consciousness? Even if it did it wouldn’t be able to relay signals of pain, nor would it have a use for organs.
Just like inheritance the body does need to be accounted for, even though it’s not a perfect simile. If a nation wants to take the course of action outlined by the OP commenter, I see no problem with it. Just go opt out and let less selfish people save lives.
I-suck-at-golf t1_itok7ha wrote
Outpatient, but still $150K+.
RhesusFactor t1_itolh8h wrote
But my health insurance only covers inpatient.
Onekone t1_itolt48 wrote
Hours, at extreme best.
Brain works off blood flow and once it shuts off due to lack of blood oxygen flow, there goes your life
currentscurrents t1_itomb89 wrote
This is a good idea but it wouldn't completely solve the problem. There are countries with opt-out policies, and they do have higher donation rates, but the demand still exceeds the supply. This isn't going to change as long as the leading cause of death is old age.
Technology is the only answer here; xenotransplantation or organ cloning. Right now xenotransplantation is much more promising - just this year, a genetically-altered pig heart was successfully transplanted into a human. We are going to see a lot more clinical trials in the very near future.
currentscurrents t1_itomo5z wrote
If you're dead, society is the only one that has a say in the matter.
Is it good for society to look for harvestable organs after every death? Probably - they're not helping anyone in the grave.
Cheetahs_never_win t1_itonlyp wrote
Maybe let me donate blood before you come after my organs.
The_Lawn_Ninja t1_itonr95 wrote
Nice to see something posted here that isn't some variation of "9-year-old starts door-to-door lemonade business to help his mother pay for insulin".
Orcand t1_itoo90j wrote
Congratulations, in the suggested system you can choose to opt out and your stingy organs will rot instead of saving a life. No one is forcing you to participate in the new system. Just making it so that lazy people are contributing by default instead of being wasted.
Orcand t1_itoocnw wrote
The poor are exploited enough without enabling that black-mirror shit.
steelep13 t1_itopase wrote
What if the thousands of dollars awarded them a quality of life not possible without such a transaction? Are you saying that ths poor are too stupid to be allowed to make their own grown-ass decisions?
People in sweat shops in countries like bangladesh and india have poor working conditions, but those conditions are FAR better than the alternatives that are offered in those locations. From our perspective it's exploitation, but from theirs it's opportunity for a better life.
shaneh445 t1_itopdmn wrote
Why oh WHY do some people want another lifetime of all the silliness we've got going on/have gone through lol
TheGoodFight2015 t1_itouhqe wrote
Incredibly, there is already a standard set of using animal parts as replacement parts, not for entire organs but for things like valves. And they apparent work quite well. There is so much hope and promise of medical advancement in the near future. I work near an area that has some of the most advanced medical facilities and research in the world, and I get such a rush any time I go by there at the thought of what good humans are doing for a better future.
DooDooSlinger t1_itovxjt wrote
Because life is actually pretty great and you sure are on the wrong sub
[deleted] t1_itozn0y wrote
Magatha_Grimtotem t1_itp0ax5 wrote
Not to mention the harm to the timeline, now that lady is going to go back to her career in genetic engineering and create Khan.
doughy1882 t1_itp1o2g wrote
How about if organ donora got 50% of their med bills....
MightyBoat t1_itp2kby wrote
That's so cool. I'm assuming the genetically modified part means there's no need for life long anti rejection medication?
-ThunderGunExpress t1_itp2n52 wrote
It's not like like you're going to be able to afford it
-ThunderGunExpress t1_itp2q33 wrote
Yeah, instead it's a story about awesome organ regeneration that you'll never be able to afford
Tuuin t1_itp4nyu wrote
Could do both and help a lot of people.
techno156 t1_itp5j6y wrote
>Right now xenotransplantation is much more promising - just this year, a genetically-altered pig heart was successfully transplanted into a human. We are going to see a lot more clinical trials in the very near future.
Unfortunately, he died shortly after, so it might not be quite there just yet.
[deleted] t1_itp5m5f wrote
Doesn't work that way. It's something very intrusive so you can't just opt-out it has to be opt-in.
[deleted] t1_itp61jc wrote
AnneFrankFanFiction t1_itpbsjn wrote
That wasn't unexpected, though. Really the experiment gave him an extra two months of life. The next trial will likely last longer. That's how science works: incremental improvements
johnnaryry t1_itpfny6 wrote
In 1989 my brother received a liver transplant on the day after his 19th birthday. His liver had been destroyed by Wilson’s Disease. He thrived until his sudden death, from a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm, in 2009.
draculamilktoast t1_itph0go wrote
How does she know Jesus will resurrect her given that she didn't allow him to resurrect another after her death?
Tulkash_Atomic t1_itpsmyc wrote
Dinosaur bones to test her.
[deleted] t1_itptr73 wrote
mason240 t1_itptv48 wrote
It's 2022 and there's still people who don't believe in consent.
[deleted] t1_itq35ze wrote
StonerJake22727 t1_itq6qdq wrote
Yeah but the guy with the pig heart only lived for like 2 months.. it’s a start but not even close to a Viable option
The_Lawn_Ninja t1_itq8p3e wrote
I didn't say it was uplifting... just that it wasn't a "feel good" story about children forced to labor.
Cheetahs_never_win t1_itq91t6 wrote
I don't understand why people are downvoting me. I'm a monogamous gay man.
I can't donate blood. But my organs are perfectly a-ok.
BearJewSally t1_itqnnip wrote
You mean the CIA won't have to kidnap people and harvest their organs anymore?
Fragrant-Chair7416 t1_its7td5 wrote
Woo! Maybe I can become a ripperdoc! New goal achieved.
RivetheadGirl t1_itsnr1l wrote
I'm in California, we have a law on the books that any health care professional who has a patient meeting organ donor criteria gets called in and evaluated for donation. Generally this is:
- A Glasgow Coma score of less than 5 (normal is 15, less than 9 generally means you need to be intubated to be kept alive.
- the loss of 1 of more brain stem reflexes.
- discussions of the possibility of removing life support or the futility of life support may occur, etc.
- Any patient that dies in the hospital, gets called in for evaluation for organ/tissue donation by law.
I've taken care of many patients who have been prepped for organ donation post brain death or cardiac death in the OR.
Obtaining organs isn't an easy process. Kidneys can be obtained from a living donor. But, other organs such as the heart and lungs are very delicate and any prolonged time without tissue perfusion will make them ineligible for donation. The reason most of our donors come from events such as car accidents is because they decline so fast in the field that they are often intubated at the site of the accident or in the ER.
A good candidate for organ donation is also a very involved patient because of all the requirements with imaging, labs etc. You can't declare a person brain dead until you have rules out all other contributing factors such as electrolyte imbalances, blood gases, sedative medications, etc. When you take care of one of these patients you are on a 1:1 in them in the ICU. Doing blood work every 6 hours, x-rays, CT, cath lab and on and on, just to determine if they are even eligible for donation.
Then on the other side of things the donation team is running all of their biomarkers to determine who is an eligible match. Besides antibodies a recipient needs to be of a simular body size and age so that the organ can work properly in their body and not be in effective or too old. They also usually have to be a simular race so that their antibodies match as well. You can also find someone needing an organ that has an infectious disease such as hepatitis or HIV and still donate to that person if the donor also has that disease. Sometimes if the donor has certain diseases, but healthy organs they will still do the transplant, and then treat the recipient for that disease.
Covid was horrible though, because we had so many people die, but their organs were destroyed by the vascular damage Covid did to them that none of them could be an organ donor.
But, even if you can't get a person to be a good organ donor due to whatever they died of, many can still be tissue donors ( a better more viable option if you were to do an "opt-out" program). One person can donate enough tissue to help 90 people receive tissue grafts.
RivetheadGirl t1_itson4r wrote
It probably would depend on how exactly they can match your body's biomarkers.
Even mechanical valves need to have a person taking anticoagulant medicine life long to prevent them from getting clots in their body because it's a foreign object.
RivetheadGirl t1_itspde5 wrote
It's a stupid rule, but it's being re-evaluated. Organ donation doesn't have that requirement, because on the off chance that a person has hepatitis, HIV/AIDS or other similar transmissable diseases, they will just find a patient who is already positive for that disease, and a match and just do the transplant and then continue to treat them after.
Singular_Thought t1_itt7ctz wrote
The time accords require the timeline be preserved at all costs.
Whispering-Depths t1_iuf1kzv wrote
Ah, yes. Because their made up religious figure who's all about mega-kindness would surely punish you for a free act of kindness.
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