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cohonan t1_iu191m9 wrote

It’s a cool story, but as a safety guy I can’t help but cringe at the harmful substances and chemicals he’s just hanging out with his family in.

I make a big deal that you need to change at work and clean up before taking all those toxic substances and heavy metals home with your family.


BuDeep t1_iu23v19 wrote

The article said that he had a choice to go home and take a shower, missing half the game with his son or just go straight to the game. I think what he did was the right choice. I’m sure he at least wiped himself off as well.


fatamSC2 t1_iu1rfwz wrote

Ehh unless he's making a meal for them with those things still on his hands/body then it's not a big deal. You're talking the most trace of trace amounts that would be transferred through the air by being near him
