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aldergone t1_iumn1v0 wrote

Today there are approximately seven commercial CO2 EOR projects in Canada, including the largest in the town of Weyburn, Saskatchewan which is operated by EnCana and has sequestered over 10 million tonnes of CO2 since operations began in 2000. The second-largest commercial CO2 EOR project in Canada is run by Apache Corporation at the Midale field in southern Saskatchewan. The Midale project began commercial operations in the fall of 2005, and is predicted to sequester more than 10 million tonnes of CO2 over the life of the project.

cold fusion - really


LALA-STL t1_iuo6hgi wrote

Way cool!
Now I’m wondering … How impressive a number is 10 million tonnes?


aldergone t1_iuogb4h wrote

its more impressive than zero tonnes


LALA-STL t1_iuoglgb wrote



aldergone t1_iuoibxm wrote

Weyburn field injects about ~5,000 tonnes/day which is equivalent to 445,121 canadians per year