Submitted by TailsxCream4Eva t3_yooh64 in UpliftingNews
BugsyHewitt t1_ivffd37 wrote
Please let there be zombies, please let there be zombies.
Rdizzlefohshizzle t1_ivfghw7 wrote
tl;dr: A new study to provide blood transfusions to rare patients who have highly specific blood requirements that go beyond Blood type. The generated blood cells are made from stem cells found in blood from donors. These cells have a production rate of 1:30,000 (stem cell:red blood cell). The lab blood will be tested on healthy patients in 2 small doses over a span of 8 months. Challenges faced: stem cells blood production is not unlimited and lab production is more expensive than receiving blood donations (cost of employees, transport, etc.)
For some info: The average blood infusion is about 600 ml This translates to about 3 billion cells transfused It is unclear what type of stem cell and how much of it is derived from the blood donation. This process could be efficient/extremely inefficient.
Someone shorten this further for me
banjaxedW t1_ivfhmzq wrote
We made special blood and gave it to people. Could be good could be bad.
Someone shorten this further for me
gianniks t1_ivfip2w wrote
TLTLTL;DRDRDR Fake blood make reddit go brr
Rdizzlefohshizzle t1_ivfiqd1 wrote
I'm curious as to what you think are possible unforseen repercussions. Genuinely, what is your opinion?
goosebattle t1_ivfixgb wrote
Can't shorten, but ELI5:
Nice scientists grew a lot of blood out of a little bit of blood. They gave this blood to people who don't have enough blood. The scientists are waiting to see if the blood they grew will help the people they gave it to.
Rdizzlefohshizzle t1_ivfjwx0 wrote
>Nice scientists grew a lot of blood out of a little bit of blood.
I'd like to argue it's more like: nice scientists grew special blood from normal blood.
It's unclear how much blood they could produce from the blood they recieved. The beauty of it is that it is blood that is supposed to be more easily accepted in patients with high requirements for a blood transfusion.
goosebattle t1_ivfk71g wrote
I assumed it was more than they started with.
Lifegoesonjustdoit t1_ivfv1vu wrote
Artificial blood to people. Maybe good maybe bad.
Wiknetti t1_ivfvofs wrote
It’s ethical! You wouldn’t get it. You think humans can just consent for us to suck their necks dry and turn them into thralls? It’s 2022.
I rant as I wear my human leather jacket and human bone sunglasses
theWizzardlyBear t1_ivfwbko wrote
Lmao I knew this would be here.
Super_Crisis_64 t1_ivfxz97 wrote
This is how they got the skin to stay alive for the Terminators
mykulFritz t1_ivg0329 wrote
I hope they call it “beyond blood”, or impossible blood, or, “I can’t believe it’s not human.”
Just to be clear, I think this is actually pretty cool, I’m just making a little joke.
GreaterButter t1_ivg2nb0 wrote
I know people are already about to be like "They're playing god!!!" But like, think about how many people this could save? I'm not saying you just all start injecting yourself with lab grown blood and not ask any questions.
But completely ignoring the benefits for people who actually need it is just stupid.
Jarsky2 t1_ivg404d wrote
Something something zombies something something 28 days later
Jarsky2 t1_ivg452z wrote
Ah yes, because blood grown from stemcells is going to miraculously change into the goddamn T-Virus.
apathetic_revolution t1_ivg5i6r wrote
Just when I thought the Morbius memes had gone away.
I-Have-An-Alibi t1_ivg5voo wrote
Soylent Red
- Also available in Diet for today's calorie conscious vampire on the go!
kira7setsuna t1_ivg8cho wrote
saints and sinners prepped me for this!
bring it zombies!
[deleted] t1_ivg8k56 wrote
genmischief t1_ivggcko wrote
I saw this in Blade II.
WhooshThereHeGoes t1_ivggcu1 wrote
Isn't this a plot vehicle in several vampire movies/stories?
[deleted] t1_ivgharp wrote
[deleted] t1_ivgj7v0 wrote
frenabo t1_ivgkjub wrote
Made blood. Might work.
Make shorter please.
banjaxedW t1_ivgku4l wrote
Weird blood
Novel-Evening7962 t1_ivgpuq2 wrote
Only reason I came to the comment sections
pdeboer1987 t1_ivgr9bu wrote
It would definitely be the opposite. Vampire Gwyneth Paltro only eats virgin, GMO free, free range, natural children.
tatticky t1_ivgrczk wrote
New fake blood hasn't killed recipients (yet).
tatticky t1_ivgrox5 wrote
Nublud maywork.
MellifluousSussura t1_ivgtk1w wrote
Damn, this really puts a burner on my go-to alibi of being gay and giving blood /j
circasomnia t1_ivgufrg wrote
DeepLock8808 t1_ivgwy81 wrote
This one is my favorite.
DeepLock8808 t1_ivgxxob wrote
We played god when we made dogs 20,000 years ago. That ship has sailed.
Now give me my glasses and coffee while I listen to music on my pocket supercomputer while reading the sum total of human knowledge in the form of cat memes. As I board a plane. Which was built using knowledge from an unnatural cultural transmission method called “university”.
tl;dr We’ve already hacked our brain’s software to make the impossible possible and we’re getting better at it all the time.
Rico133337 t1_ivgya6o wrote
So this is when the zombie outbreak began.
Simply_Beige t1_ivgyut4 wrote
We finally have that blood alternative for vampires. One more horror monster thwarted.
AmbitiousEmack t1_ivh3al9 wrote
Call it “True Blood” and the vampires can come out of hiding.
DaSweetrollThief t1_ivh4m0t wrote
Finally a vegan option for vampires
axyz77 t1_ivh4yd8 wrote
What's that smell?
[deleted] t1_ivhafvd wrote
[deleted] t1_ivhb06e wrote
rhodopensis t1_ivhb3fg wrote
Bloodwork (?).
Guilty_Assignment_25 t1_ivhbazq wrote
You know. I just watched Morbius too.
Can I volunteer?
Transporter0 t1_ivhe2bd wrote
Genblood under construction
CastInSteel t1_ivhg6r2 wrote
Might be the first lab grown blood but it isnt the first blood substitute in a clinical trial.
Doogleburg08 t1_ivhl95r wrote
Necessary-Ad-3441 t1_ivhm35m wrote
Ehhh 😳
jaycuboss t1_ivhqu85 wrote
Gave lab blood to humans, very expensive. Maybe cheaper some day?
Narberal_Delta t1_ivhut0d wrote
Doesn't matter at the moment, they're still in the test phase seeing how it interacts with the human body, we're not even up to actual transfusions yet. They have to get over that hurdle before we're talking wide scale use so how much they can produce efficiently isn't the #1 priority right now.
If it causes anaphylactic reactions, doesn't clot or has other negative side effects it's a dead end, go back to the drawing board.
iama_computer_person t1_ivi0obb wrote
Fake blood, works?
lorddementor t1_ivi3b7a wrote
Weedes1984 t1_ivi4upi wrote
Tru Blood.
Weedes1984 t1_ivi4zfd wrote
Doctor: "How do you feel after 3 days?"
First recipient: "Thirsty." Proceeds to Morb.
IrishMojoFroYo t1_ivi6yp8 wrote
Would phlebotomy eventually cease as a practice?
one-fish_two-fish t1_ivi7oq0 wrote
I knew I wouldn't have to scroll far to find this.
RefrigeratorFeisty91 t1_iviqu1j wrote
This is scary asf
RefrigeratorFeisty91 t1_iviqy4w wrote
This is a prerequisite for an IRL Captain America, to me.
GreedisgoodX t1_ivjcx1r wrote
this is a gamechanger if it works
Berlin_Blues t1_ivjgmo9 wrote
True Blood comes true.
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