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Level1oldschool t1_ivmazi5 wrote

Glad to see that there are still some adults left that will step up. I would like for there to still be a livable planet for My grandchildren.


Fit-Calligrapher-117 t1_ivms5lp wrote

I don’t know how old you are but I want a livable planet for me!


Level1oldschool t1_ivncao1 wrote

Breaking 60. My generation continues to mess up the world because they don’t want to be inconvenienced by change. Not real proud of my contemporaries.


LifelessPolymath53 t1_ivp5f4l wrote

the new generation is destroying the world just as much. The blame isn’t all on yours.


Level1oldschool t1_ivrcwhw wrote

That’s true to an extent. But My generation and the previous generation are so set in the good old days that they resist any change. And voters in our age groups make up a larger percentage of the vote. The writing is on the wall about Climate Change, but they refuse to see it.


StealthedWorgen t1_ivmevld wrote

I'm taking the being gay and ending my genetic line route.


GoodMerlinpeen t1_ivntmcr wrote

Michelangelo and Da Vinci were gay, and they left humanity much more than simply children. I don't like the idea that all we can do for the future is make children.


OrlandoJames t1_ivo7xyz wrote

>Michelangelo ... gay

Not sure about this, no way a gay man would paint a peepee that small. /s