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camocondomcommando t1_ivmkuli wrote

To "generate up to 11 gigawatts, which is the equivalent of 10 nuclear reactors, powering millions of homes"?!


rileyoneill t1_ivnhjzp wrote

11GW of solar at this scale would cost somewhere around $11-$16 Billion. 10 Nuclear reactors would cost $150B or more. Even with 4 hours of storage, or 50GWH, at $100 per KWH would add an extra ~$5B to the bill. If all the panels did was store power during the day and then use the power like a peaking plant in the early evening that would be useful.


magnumopus44 t1_ivmopcj wrote

*during the day when sunny. Solar does not power homes. I have solar and it's nice during the day but that's where it ends. The use case here would be to change parked EV's specially at a commercial parking lot where most cars would park during the day.


camocondomcommando t1_ivmp0wc wrote

I was just quoting the article, you know, the thing that nobody seems to read on Reddit...

And that would be an excellent use-case, as well as replacing defunct generation plants with battery storage locations.