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NavidsonRcrd t1_ixbnvmy wrote

An absolute hero. It’s tough not to be gutted by the fact that following his incredible bravery the cops’ first move is to lock him in a squad car away from the family that he’d just risked his life to protect, not even knowing if they’re alive. Can’t even grasp how that must have felt. I hope their community is able to come together and heal together after this unimaginable tragedy


CraftyRole4567 t1_ixdnl58 wrote

He is a hero! And it’s heartbreaking that this happened at all. But… if the cops hadn’t done that (temporarily arrested him) and it turned out that he was also a shooter, we would be condemning them for that too. He’s covered in blood, he’s holding a handgun, he’s screaming – if the cops had reacted badly that could’ve ended so much more terribly than just him being put in the squad car while the cops try to figure out what’s happening and who everybody is.


digitdaemon t1_ixdzzqf wrote

Also, you have someone who is in emergency mode that is disconnected from your emergency response and acting on instinct. Restraining him and letting him cool off is not an insane move just to expedite and clear the way for a more organized response. Are there other ways of doing that? Yes, but lets be honest, thank god he didn't get shot.

(Not a commentary on police in this case, though I have my own feelings on the matter of police brutality. But it would have been so easy for the police responding, entering with no information, to see him running around with a gun in hand, assume he was the bad guy, and just shoot.)