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Rob_Drinkovich t1_ixf2ysd wrote

But professional baseball players aren’t average men either, they are the the most elite of the elite. An elite female baseball player is much better than me, but could they compete with the elite males? Idk, if they could they would probably be on a team because owners only care about making money and an all star female player would make them a lot of it.

Sounds like this girl is as good as if not better than a lot of the D1 guys but that’s still not MLB level.


Arete108 t1_ixg4we0 wrote

But what makes a great athlete varies by sport. For example, David Epstein in The Sports Gene had a whole chapter about how great MLB players have just freakishly good visual acuity. Like if the normal rate of 20/5 vision is I dunno 1 in 5,000 normally it's way more common in MLB, and that allows players to hit the ball better. So that's a skill that really doesn't have to do with increased upper body strength, it's visual acuity + brain software.