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96vette t1_ixmhx3m wrote


DannyBlind t1_ixql3zd wrote

No it's not. Nuclear fusion, as it stands, is a pipedream. Nuclear fusion has been 20 years away from being successful for the last 60 years! We need answers now! They might not be as great as the, theoretical, nuclear fusion but we need a solution 20 years ago. Second best time is now


96vette t1_ixr38u3 wrote

Nuclear fission reactors should have been replacing coal fired power plants 30 years ago. Instead we got “no nukes” and global warming. Currently billions of dollars are being invested in fusion development by private equity and wealthy individuals. This is a good sign that fusion power is going to happen, sooner than you think. In the meantime, solar and wind are a good stepping stone to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.


DannyBlind t1_ixs6vry wrote

I am a relatively pessimistic person, so i want a solution now, while we wait for fusion to be realistic. I have to say, i hope i am wrong and you are right