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tibearius1123 t1_iyihy8b wrote

I don’t think it’s necessary. Bias is not in inherently bad thing we just all need to be aware of it.

When people walk over long distances in a “straight” line, we actually walk in a wide/long curve because our dominant leg moves faster than our weak leg. That causes us to turn towards our weak leg.

In long distance land navigation you only need to be aware that you’re going to curve and mitigate accordingly. There is no need to ensure you walk straight as that’s impossible.


[deleted] t1_iyii5ea wrote



tibearius1123 t1_iyijeru wrote


I was in the army and the equal opportunity classes use to be so awful. From 2008 to about 2015 every single annual class consisted of “what are some stereotypes” then everyone in the group lists off everything from “white people east casseroles and small funny” to “black people love chicken, and steal.”

Did absolutely nothing for solving any issues. I saw very little inherent racism. There was playful ribbing based on race but it was mutual and among friends.

What I did see a lot of and was possibly guilty of, was bias that could have affected people’s careers. I wish I had received more training on that.