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diiejso t1_iyu4r82 wrote

> It isn’t clear how many children were only located, but not recovered.

from an interview linked in the article: > “Sometimes we find them with family members, and it becomes a civil matter, that’s why we are reporting them as located and not necessarily returned,” Alanis said. “We find them in situations they were taken by family. If they’re in a good situation, we just leave them there because then it becomes a civil matter between families.”

This is what I hate about these articles. The headlines and top of articles will talk about the children being involved in sex rings and stuff but buried in the story is that a lot of them are just kids who ran away to another family member or friend's place. Part of me wonders if law enforcement lets those types of complaints pile up so they can clear them all out when they do get a serious crime and then pad the numbers for publicity.


zombie_katzu t1_iyu6y9t wrote

My ex-wife kidnapped our kids after I had been awarded custody. She fled the state, and the police refused to even open a case. Luckily it only took her 6 years of living 6in the run for her to overdose and sh9e in front of the kids, and now i get to try to raise these almost adults that I have no way of relating to


tinacat933 t1_iyuzpvl wrote

I hope you can get family therapy and therapy for everyone cause that all sounds traumatic. I’m sure it is hard but all teenagers sucks and I’m sure eventually it’ll get better.


zombie_katzu t1_iywfhct wrote

Thanks, we are getting professional help, but it is slow


aBoyandHisVacuum t1_iywr5lo wrote

It will be lifelong. But they still need a stable parent, no matter how emotionally distant. Be strong. You are a hero no matter how it feels right now.


LadyJ-78 t1_iyy29uk wrote

Think of it as slow and steady win the race. The kids have had nothing but chaos in their lives, now is the time to slow down and reconnect with them and learn to be a family again. If it was easy, you wouldn't need the therapy. You got this and are doing fantastic! It's normal to question everything, that's how you know you are doing to correctly.


rcknrll t1_iyxl6qx wrote

Your kids will always need you. Be patient and supportive. And they still have soooo many firsts that you will get to experience with them. My mom was like your ex-wife and my dad raised me, so I understand what your kids are going through.


Navyguy73 t1_iywrvwm wrote

I feel your pain, buddy. Best of luck to you.


PCsubhuman_race t1_iyv72xd wrote

But reddit keeps telling me that "drugs are a personal matter" and "they don't hurt anyone other than the user"


[deleted] t1_iyvacie wrote



ne0n1691 t1_iyvnbu3 wrote

sounds like an abuser got upset 😔


PCsubhuman_race t1_iyvavtc wrote

Nah, it's definitely shortsight young, inexperienced and often overly privileged people advocating for things the have little real experience with...kind of like the the main demographic of this website


[deleted] t1_iyv0m0w wrote



vyrlok t1_iyv7u99 wrote

Wow. He for sure didn't think of that!


Atomhed t1_iyuhzjk wrote

>These 11 cases of missing children, aged 12 to 17, were considered some of the area’s most sensitive and difficult, and involved sex trafficking, abuse and exploitation, the release stated.

The headline and the content of the article seem to be in line.

Which specific articles about missing children have you generally found to be problematic?


dabbean t1_iyvx87r wrote

Yeah this particular article is written from a point of bias and it shows.


MadRollinS OP t1_iyu6nou wrote

If you read the bit at the end it lists the number of children they have recovered since they started. "Save one life, save the world".

The cynicism of calling it a PR stunt is rather out of line. Why shouldn't they get credit for doing their Jobs?

How many children do you save?


diiejso t1_iyuasvz wrote

Examples in those linked articles for the numbers you mention include things like finding children with their mother and other civil non-criminal matters. I’m not saying this is bad that they save children being trafficked I’m saying they’re lumping non-nefarious cases in with the total count to pad the numbers and in this story they won’t say what the number is. Maybe they saved all 11 from trafficking. Maybe 1. Maybe all 11 were just with a parent or staying with a friend.

E: I’d reply about your confusion but you’ve blocked me lol.


MadRollinS OP t1_iyubenm wrote

  1. There's only one article that I posted. Not "articles".
  2. I read the article and I am aware of your repeated point.
  3. Even if they only saved 1, it's worth reporting
  4. This Unit has a 53% recovery rate across the country, which is outstanding.
  5. How many children have you saved? Let me guess: Zero.

LazyMoniker t1_iyueeb2 wrote

The linked articles they’re talking about are the articles that your article is linking to.

Nobody’s saying saving kids isn’t worth reporting. Everyone is pro-saving kids.

The weird part is when they save one kid, then point to three others that were maybe just with their other parent, or with family, or were 16years old and wanted on narcotics related charges (as is the case in one of the articles linked to in your article), and they’re implying “We saved these four kids”, what’s the deal with that? Why try to imply that all of these kids were saved from dangerous situations?

Again, saving kids is a good thing. 100% pro saving kids. 100% thankful it’s being done. Still don’t get the weird way they’re choosing to report the numbers.


atridir t1_iyufbmp wrote

Nailed it! Excellent articulation!


Atomhed t1_iyuhubv wrote

>These 11 cases of missing children, aged 12 to 17, were considered some of the area’s most sensitive and difficult, and involved sex trafficking, abuse and exploitation, the release stated.

It looks like the headline points at 11 saved kids, and the article goes on to corroborate that.

Who is implying all the kids were in dangerous situations?

And why do you need an article about 11 kids saved from abuse to go into details about kids are aren't in abusive situations?


Ok-Development8745 t1_iyxjkxc wrote

Tell me you didn’t read the article without telling me you didn’t read the article lol


Atomhed t1_iyy7wjs wrote

I read the article, and it's title is accurate, 11 children were saved - other children were left in domestic situations the courts will deal with.