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iLLogick t1_iyxvjsr wrote

The problem with Costco is that they buy all their hearing aids from one manufacturer at a huge discount and will sell that brand to their customers almost exclusively.

So not only do they drive independent clinics out, they sell customers a hearing aid based on who gives them a discount rather than what suits their customers needs.

Certain manufacturers have refused to do business with Costco because their practices are harming the overall industry


Dalbergia12 t1_iyxxh3a wrote

I'm familiar with that point of view. I found the Costco did carry other brands as well as the brand's that they had a contract with at the time. And because the others were more expressive for what I got, I voted with my wallet.

I've been to audiologists other than Costco staff. With my parents when they were aging and my in-laws when they were aging, and the last decade for myself and my spouse. They were IMHO worse than the worst of used car salesmen anywhere. If Costco puts a few of those scammers out of the ripping off grandma business, I'm okay with that!


maniacreturns t1_iyy258n wrote

Costco chooses products after factoring in all kind of data points, it's not just who gives them a bill discount. Go look at any of the products they carry and they're all rated close to best in class by consumer reports.


[deleted] t1_iyyklz8 wrote

Must be why Costco only sells Seagate hard drives, not that I would buy one.


mokeyss t1_iyzqs7j wrote

This is false. A quick google to there website shows that they sell from 3 manufacturers. Rexton, jabra, and phillips. Please make sure you dont spread false information.


bighungrybelly t1_iz07y4e wrote

Certain manufacturers have refused to do business with Costco because it would hurt their profit.