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OP t1_iz1xl32 wrote

As the founder of Permastunned Gaming, feel free to ask me anything :D


t1_iz21kwq wrote

I love your team name! What were some other options that didn't make the cut?


OP t1_iz21qox wrote

There were no other options. Someone on Reddit suggested it and everyone loved it so much that we stuck with it.


t1_iz23cs0 wrote

It's amazing! Gave me a chuckle today when I needed it. Best of luck to you all!


OP t1_iz23n30 wrote

Thanks! :D


t1_iz2fvkc wrote

I'll take the opportunity to ask, do you partner with any visually impaired gaming networks? I'm looking for myself


OP t1_iz2gfdv wrote

We don't, but maybe you could ask BlindWarriorSven. He is a professional Street Fighter player who is completely blind.


t1_iz4svmu wrote

How does that work, serious question 🤔


OP t1_iz5dpnt wrote

As some has pointed out, sound cues. However, SF in particular has an excellent 3d sound stage. Blind people can hear and identify everything that happens in the game, including how far away the opponent is standing.


t1_iz51usm wrote

Some people rely totally on sound for hit confirms, blind or not. Spacing would be an issue though.


t1_iz3haw4 wrote

Reminds of a csgo player who had their leg amputated and made a post about getting legged


t1_iz29ke8 wrote

Hello there, I'll certainly take you up on that offer!

Are there any genres that prove especially challenging, and are there any companies/titles/communities that stand out in combating them challenges?


OP t1_iz2byqh wrote

High dexterity games like first person shooters are particularly challenging for many people with physical disabilities. On the other end of the spectrum are turn based games like chess and MTG Arena, that can be done by practically anyone.

To my knowledge, Psyonix is working together with AbleGamers to optimize Rocket League for adaptive gear, like the Xbox Adaptive Controller. Also, recently LogitecG started organizing Rocket League tournaments for disabled gamers with total prize pool of $50k. Honorable mentions go to SpecialEffect, Intel, Razer and a handful of smaller developers.


t1_iz2bmu4 wrote

What’s the best game ever created? In ur opinion


OP t1_iz2dpxf wrote

Either DotA2 or CS:GO.


t1_iz2f7ge wrote

Legend bro. Take care and continue doing exactly what ur doing


t1_iz2hh79 wrote

What's your go-to dota hero


OP t1_iz2j8fl wrote

It used to be Lich, but then Valve removed Sacrifice. Ever since I've been playing whatever feels right for the situation. That said, I naturally tend to play annoying heroes. I think a close second is probably Venomancer.


t1_iz26jdq wrote

Thoughts on performance enhancing drugs? Any hot takes?


OP t1_iz2d43x wrote

No hot takes. Performance enhancing drugs are not worth the risks.


t1_iz49yfj wrote

You think an e sports team owner is going to say he endorses popping adderall before a game?


t1_iz4bqvx wrote

Maybe they have other types of PEDs that are relevant to their games and or disabilities


t1_iz2pcjd wrote

My son has autism and has big interest in video games, can he join?


t1_iz3wyxa wrote

I loved hearing about this team! Wish you guys all the best and hope to hear from you soon. I have a couple of questions, what is your favorite dota hero? also, if you could remove an item from the game, what would it be?


t1_iz4z296 wrote

What's your favourite solo queue hero in DotA?


OP t1_iz5gr8k wrote

For sanity's sake, never cue alone :P

However, to answer your question. There are a couple of things I enjoy a lot in DotA. Bullying the lane, pushing lanes and big team fight ultimates. So either Tidehunter, Venomancer or Jakiro...depending on the situation.


t1_iz5f4c7 wrote

Legendary sense of humor. I sincerely hope you’re able to share it with lots of people to brighten their days.


t1_iz5iq8x wrote

Hi, I’m a physical therapy student and would love to get involved with the team somehow. My two greatest passions are gaming and physical therapy so seeing people be able to attain my personal goals is amazing.


t1_iz2jeyu wrote

I like your team name. My son is autistic. You guys motivate more people than you know.


t1_iz2ovxo wrote

Love your name. I have a brother who is special needs. Lots of support here


t1_iz3o06k wrote

I remember seeing your post in r/DotA2 recruiting members and asking for your team name. Really proud seeing your growth. Hope it continues upwards from here


OP t1_iz4ekh0 wrote

It all started in r/DotA2 :D


t1_iz4qhds wrote

after reading the title of this post, i scrolled past about a full page before the name of their team clicked in my head, causing me to laugh. then i felt a little guilty about laughing, but i imagine that was their intent with the naming of their team (making people laugh, not making people guilty, i should clarify)


t1_iz47cu8 wrote

That is the best team name i have ever seen period, made my day! Glad u guys get the recognition u deserve, i wish all the luck to u and ur team, thou u probably wont need itgif


t1_iz4i7s5 wrote

Whats the hardest problem you've had to overcome due to the nature of your team ?


t1_iz51p90 wrote

Incredible stuff. Everyone deserves to enjoy the accessibility of games. Glad to see you guys are making headlines with that ideal. Keep it up!


t1_iz2onfy wrote

haha great team name! All the best for more success to this great project. A friend of mine also has a retarted son who loves to play video games. Whenever I visit him we play together.


t1_iz4ahf9 wrote

I’m not familiar with esports, but has your team bagged some big wins?


t1_iz4b7o9 wrote

This is really awesome. Hopefully, news of your team will really help shine a light on the need for developers to make games with controls that are accessible to everyone.


t1_iz1vzme wrote

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t1_iz4qz4u wrote

Are there many other esports teams for people with disabilities? This feels like a pretty niche record.


t1_iz5y73o wrote

Now to time to win some TI 💪🏻


t1_iz56m1j wrote

What a dumb "world record" to give out.

Good for the people in the team, they do good work! Nothing against them. but Guinness world records is such a meaningless thing these days.


t1_iz5yajs wrote

I think in this case it’s a successful attempt by Guinness to make headlines for their own benefit and to bring awareness to the idea that these groups exist. I’d like to think someone there has a disabled friend/relative and they pushed for this award to be given.

You’re spot on that the records are just goofy nowadays though, but they can serve a purpose since new “world records” almost always make the headlines.


t1_iz58rtb wrote

Way to make people feel less than human. An award for making a team? Jesus fuck this is gross.


t1_iz53rgz wrote

I hope the pun/wordplay in their team name was unintended.


t1_iz35ym2 wrote

What a charade


t1_iz3zium wrote

Go on explain yourself


t1_iz4ij05 wrote

Not OP but I assume they mean the Guinness WR company, not the Esports team. Based on some of the other comments I've seen on reddit, it seems the have gone down hill and have some shady practices.

>Being a for-profit organization, Guinness seemed to have had no issues with shamelessly and unapologetically selling out its devoted audience. With the age of the internet inbound, Guinness was more than willing to start prioritizing marketability over credibility.