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bustedbuddha t1_iz9qmss wrote

Solar is the cheapest per KW source of energy, that we are not already mostly on it is purely because a very small amount of very powerful people profit from the continued use of fossil fuels.


Additionally it is cheaper than nuclear by similar margins and the only reason you still see people pushing nuclear energy is because of the propaganda pushed by a similar minority that stands to profit from nuclear power expanding.


Human_Anybody7743 t1_izbcsig wrote

Wind is marginally cheaper when capacity weighted.

Fossil fuel gas is still cheaper in some areas and coal costs less up front (but not after running it for a couple of years). These margins are rapidly shrinking though.

The overriding biggest advantage of renewables is stability, predictability and security. Sunlight doesn't suddenly jump to $1000/MWh or develop corrosion issues that take all winter to fix.