Gen-Jinjur t1_iz7lrzh wrote
What a lovely lot of people.
Robin Hobb and I have gotten together a few times. She’s a really cool person. She would totally just go get coffee with her one audience member.
KingoftheMapleTrees t1_iz88sk2 wrote
Love her! I've read the Farseer Trilogy a dozen times now
Nakorite t1_iz8zmno wrote
Wow you are a glutton for punishment. Too heart breaking.
hungryhungryhibernia t1_iz8piw4 wrote
I think she’s a fantastic writer. Did a book swap a good few years ago where a colleague introduced me to John le Carré and and I Robin Hobb to him.
[deleted] t1_izar4rf wrote
Healyhatman t1_iz89ypu wrote
That sounds great and I am quite jelly.
Neither_Permission_6 t1_iz9bt1n wrote
Liveship Trilogy is literally and epic tale
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