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BillCosbyGANG t1_iz85uzu wrote

It’s a bit confusing. You should create things in your free time for personal enjoyment, you can’t expect the general public to latch on to a literary work just because the Facebook RSVPs didn’t show.


PotatoBeautiful t1_iz8iwak wrote

I don’t understand this comment. People consume creative works constantly. That’s like saying anyone who works on tv shows, movies, games, performances etc should just expect to do it for free, even though everyone loves being entertained. All these forms of entertainment take time, effort and skill to make. Why shouldn’t the creators expect to see profit off it? Or, at the very least, a little recognition.


BillCosbyGANG t1_iz8o54p wrote

Most entertainment ventures fail, if you are familiar with the industry.


PotatoBeautiful t1_iz974g1 wrote

Yes, but movie makers aren’t supposed to expect that their movies fail. A lot of people make a living creating things. The skills it takes to write scripts and novels is a large overlap.


compaqdeskpro t1_iz9txcc wrote

That was my thought. Is the book any good? If the clever tweet is the marketing plan, then why not shill the book while were at it? This article is so threadbare.