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Shining_Silver_Star t1_izr6xv9 wrote

You think the Europeans tried to encourage the natives to attack other tribes for women?


bulletproofmanners t1_izr75co wrote

Yes. They had a history of divide & conquer


Shining_Silver_Star t1_izr8sl9 wrote

You have no evidence that this policy on native women was ever conceived, let alone implemented.

Also, why do you subscribe to the noble-savage myth? There is plenty of evidence against it.


bulletproofmanners t1_izr8ybr wrote

You have no evidence against it, why should I believe in you vs my own opinion? Why do you subscribe to Eurosupremism?


Shining_Silver_Star t1_izr9ap6 wrote

Because, hopefully, you care about truth. A claim with no evidence is baseless. Why do you subscribe to Indigenophilia?