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FeFiFoShizzle t1_j086ybt wrote

Ya so I'm literally saying that countries that aren't yours cover cancer treatment, as in I'm calling your healthcare system a piece of shit.

Other first world countries generally cover cancer treatment, but not yours. Is my point.


capaldithenewblack t1_j08ivt0 wrote

Um, I think I was calling it that first? I would be thrilled with real universal healthcare. What’s your problem?


FeFiFoShizzle t1_j08sf63 wrote

Just re read the convo my dude lol


Two-Bit-Brain t1_j09mkc1 wrote

Judging by their responses you are both having your own individual conversations lmao


GLnoG t1_j08p549 wrote

Some third world countries do cover cancer treatment as well, especially for children. Had a couple relatives survive because of this.