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mjace87 t1_j1ix182 wrote

Wouldn’t most of the be almost 100 years old now. I wonder if anyone knows of a site that has an estimate of how many survivors are left.


Itay1708 t1_j1jh1z6 wrote

Around 100,000 - 130,000 in israel alone.


mjace87 t1_j1jkqxq wrote

Wow that’s crazy. I’m just surprised that mean people could go through something so traumatic and still live such a long and hopefully fulfilling life.


Itay1708 t1_j1jl51y wrote

Sadly their numbers are dropping by the tens of thousands a year... our children will never get to meet such people as we have.


mjace87 t1_j1jmwsh wrote

Yeah well no one gets to live forever. I’m just glad some people survived that terrible hateful mess