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ga-co t1_j32saga wrote

I was like 99% there. This is such good news. Can’t wait to see his reaction to how much money his toy drive raised.


jahSEEus t1_j332fhc wrote

It's a great thing, but almost a little insulting imo.

You're telling me I had to die for people to care about this?


ga-co t1_j332qxi wrote

There are a million charities and not all can be in the spotlight. This is one bright spot from an awful incident.


Geeseareawesome t1_j336grm wrote

Most people, like myself, probably hadn't heard about it until we heard what happened and had no idea who he was. Quick google search and internet forum creeping, more people hear about it, and choose to donate as a means of showing support.


Pristine-Ad-469 t1_j35bnkh wrote

People do care about it. There are other charities for the same cause and other charities in the spotlight. You can only give so much.

His charity is now in the spotlight and once he is more aware and realizes that the foundation he set up raised so much money and he has helped so many people, he’s going to be super happy! It’s nice to have some good come out of a bad situation