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Mary_Pick_A_Ford t1_j3fate5 wrote

This looks like a great wheelchair but I want to remind everyone that not everybody has the ability to move their legs and get up easily like this guy. They need to test this on people who rely on wheelchairs and walkers and not people who don't need them. My mom suffered from Multiple Sclerosis and had legs that were pretty useless towards the end, this probably wouldn't have been a good fit for her but perhaps during the earlier stages of her MS, she would have loved it.


MrSpiffenhimer t1_j3fpx60 wrote

Calling it a wheelchair is a mistake, I’m guessing made by the journalist. The inventor said that he wanted to position it somewhere between a walker and a wheelchair. It’s a mobility assistance device, like a cane, walker or wheelchair, but something new. It looks like a far more supportive and adaptable rollator (Walker with seat). One that can keep people upright and almost walking longer than a standard walker or rollator can, depending on their condition and abilities.


ThinknBoutStuff t1_j3fw736 wrote

I'd encourage you to dig deeper, they have lots of videos on the website with lots of different people of various conditions using the product (including someone with 1 leg).

Plenty of people out there are on the edge of walker/wheelchair that could benefit. As you suggest, everyone's medical history and capacities are different. But not sure where the "need to test this on people who rely on wheelchairs and walkers and not people who don't need them" comes from. Pretty clear that's happened.