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Belawzi t1_j3sk90r wrote

How fickle we are to think we have control or understanding in how the ozone is damaged or repaired.


Berylan t1_j3sku0g wrote

Problems that never existed for 200


Almostawardguy t1_j3tci7w wrote

Good, I’ve really missed their music, although I think they might be to old to make any music in 40 years time seeing as they will be like 80/90 years old


Almostawardguy t1_j3tl9as wrote

Just because you don’t have an understanding of the ozone layer, doesn’t mean that other people don’t. This is a very very week argument that you can apply to anything “how fickle we are to think we can truly understand trigonometry”. If you are interested I strongly suggest you start looking up/studying the subject


Almostawardguy t1_j3tlybz wrote

Yes 200 years ago we were not damaging the ozone layer. You’re starting to get it. If you miss how life was 200 years ago you can sign out of Reddit, put down your smart phone and go wash your clothes by the river


CheesyBurgs t1_j3tzeq5 wrote

What you heard was green house gasses/ global warming caused by industrial farming, logging & crude oil dependency. The deterioration of Ozone is the result of using CFC from spray cans, Ozone deterioration mostly causes UV poisoning as there is no filter from the sunlight


MurphNastyFlex t1_j3u4ptz wrote

LMAO! I had totally forgotten about this. I guess I thought it was just 90s propaganda


CheesyBurgs t1_j3uf6p6 wrote

Yes, Ozone repairs itself through simple gravitational forces and atmospheric air composition’s (mostly oxygen) reaction to Sunlight. We have banned commercial CFC usage almost universally for over two decades now. Scientific documents are available all over the net with simple searches. Left over CFC still contributes to global warming but only a small part.


crystalcastles13 t1_j3ukpy8 wrote

Well that’s cool, but uh what about the fact that Lake Mead, Lake Powell, and The Great Salt Lake are evaporating.

Also that snow melt in many areas of the west have developed this bizarre pink shit growing on it, rendering it totally not ok to drink or use for agriculture, etc.

The Great Salt Lake has lost more than something like 70% of it’s water, leaving 63% of the lake bed completely exposed.

Scientists are saying it will be gone in less than five years if emergency measures aren’t taken immediately.

Fun fact: also (although there’s been a lot of rain in California lately for a change (source lived in California most of my life)) that west coast folks will be the very first “climate migrants” in the US due to drought, there will literally be a completely untenable water situation within the next 8-10 years…and not just Ca, but much of the American west like Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and more.

I hope they’re wrong, but fear they’re right…


AWL_cow t1_j3ux49m wrote

How could this be even remotely believable? There is no evidence to support this.

Edit: What significant contributing factor(s) to the decline of the ozone layer has been stopped or dramatically slowed?


Goatslasagne t1_j3v1j60 wrote

Awesome! So just as the Australian sun turns my skin to cured leather at 75y/o I can finally ignore the 50+ SPF!!


Carastarr t1_j3v51j6 wrote

I thought this already happened in the 80’s when we stopped getting our McDonald’s burgers in styrofoam boxes?


pzelenovic t1_j3v5j4v wrote

Yes. Additionally, we came up with a sign "?" that indicates that the immediate sentence before it was a question. It's a nifty new feature of the language, still in beta testing phase, and we would like to hear your thoughts about it.


PrometheusOnLoud t1_j3v5mf5 wrote

What happened? Did they finally realize if the kept crying wolf, no one would believe them when they need them to?


E5VL t1_j3v62rg wrote

And by that time humanity will be extinct.


Curse3242 t1_j3v7wbj wrote

It could like that family guy clip where you say this but then government officials reading this are laughing their asses off because it's exactly the case. You never know these days. When stuff like Epsteins Island can be hidden from the public, anything can be


Dudelison t1_j3vdszh wrote

They started to introduce a limit of CSF usage in the 1980s, a ban in the 90s that would be fulfilled by 2000 in industrialized countries and the ban to be fulfilled by 2010 in developing countries.


Yulvex t1_j3vij8m wrote

Heard this from my father, he's like the only person I know that manages to find positive news


nIBLIB t1_j3vkmp9 wrote

When every climate scientist on the planet is in agreement, I choose to believe them. But, sure, there’s a chance they’re all lying and the UN and every government are all in on it in an effort for you to buy a different version of the same brand of hairspray. Because that makes sense…


BoxytheBandit t1_j3vn0vl wrote

That'll be real handy for the next civilisation that comes along after we finish trashing this place, and the Earth has enough of our shit and either burns us or freezes us to death


Skullerprop t1_j3vpirn wrote

The same way we understand how gravity works and why the planets rotate around the Sun and the moons around the planets. Science.

And then you have stupid people who are unable to understand any bit of science and then decide for themselves: “no, this is not possible. It can’t be”. Sweet ignorance!


cireland85 t1_j3vqp8i wrote

What if the ozone hole was letting all the heat out, and not in?


Traciatim t1_j3vw4ns wrote

Pretty soon it will be at great levels to support even greater crop yields and we will be living in a time of abundance. That is unless these anti-human nutters mess everything up.


luminous_beings t1_j3vw6bx wrote

We already closed that goddamned hole once. How the hell did you guys fuck it up again so fast ? - signed all the gen x’ers who gave up their hairspray for the environment in the 80s


Triobian t1_j3vwl6s wrote

USA: "And I took that personally"


boogup t1_j3vzuij wrote

America: Mississippi Queen starts playing


PatsFanInHTX t1_j3w13fz wrote

The ozone "hole" was never closed. It took decades just for the regulatory changes in the 80s and 90s to finally stop the depletion. You are probably thinking of that news that it was now on the mend as meaning it was closed. As far as I know, it's been consistently reported that it would take to the mid century point to close the hole.


gcbeehler5 t1_j3w13ys wrote

Just enough time to allow the hole to help accelerate land glacier ice melt to completion and exacerbate climate change!


BackFromTheDeadSoon t1_j3w1j1h wrote

Amazing what happens when you believe scientists over profiteers and their paid-for politicians.


heredude t1_j3w2nhs wrote

Don’t let people know that- it’ll start worsening.


_Projects t1_j3w2ra6 wrote

CO2 is good for plants so idiots make the argument that increases in CO2 will actually be good for agriculture, it's simpleton thinking.

First it's not enough CO2 to help plants, second it's fucking up the water cycle and 90% of the earth will see drought and/or flooding, for generations, which is very bad for plants.


Stambro1 t1_j3w3d53 wrote

Just in time for all of the glaciers to melt and cities to be drowned!!!


titus1531 t1_j3w68gp wrote

Is this going to have an impact on global warming?


BaconDragon69 t1_j3waeq8 wrote

Great, now all the carbon emissions can slow cook our biosohere to perfection while the rich still refuse to put the fate of the world above their profits


Agitated-Garbage-65 t1_j3wq2mg wrote

Lovely. Meanwhile human civilization won’t make it that far at this rate


OldGrayMare59 t1_j3wrylr wrote

I remember the scientist said we should use roll on or solid stick deodorant so we quit depleting the ozone layer in the early ‘70’s. Well my sacrifice must have worked


Traciatim t1_j3wygc7 wrote

Too much isn't bad until you get to about 100 times what it is now. If too little is bad and too much is bad, what is the ideal amount? I'd argue it's somewhere in the 1000-2000ppm level for ideal plant growth and largest land areas being the most productive. Why is it never studied that way, do you think?


BroskyJones t1_j3wyled wrote



ifoundit1 t1_j3wzpgw wrote

"we're gonna damage it less illegitimately consistently."


YellowGreenPanther t1_j3x0ab5 wrote

There is no point of no return, as long as civilisation isn't dead, any long-term improvement is a good improvement.

Though a silly amount of people don't think about the long-term, from politicians, to CEOs, to politic-haters, to people who take sides.


BigGreenBallOfLuck t1_j3x0dew wrote

Yeah yeah yeah. I'll believe it when I see it. We get told to do one thing and big corporations are allowed to do another, all for the glory of the coin. Sorry if I seem cynical but I've heard and been fed nothing but lies from those in power. Nothing will change. No one seems to care as long as their 'bubbles' aren't popped.


Optimal-Permission-8 t1_j3x4eyx wrote

didn't we just discover a massive hole in the ozone the stretches around the equator?


FartOfGenius t1_j3x65ga wrote

Convenient of you to view CO2 levels in isolation without any considerations for how the resulting climate change will negatively affect crop yields far more via extreme weather e.g. droughts, flooding, heat waves, storms…


Skullerprop t1_j407gw9 wrote

I bet you are also not convinced by the rising temperature in the oceans, or the fact that the ice is melting.

No matter what you think about the ozone layer or how much you are willing to wait to confirm it, science is science and it will remain so without you believing it. Just like math. Or simple logic.

BTW, the ozone layer is one of the least complicated notions about our planet’s atmosphere.


AWL_cow t1_j41plz7 wrote

If I believe the ozone isn't getting better, then wouldn't I believe that the earth is heating up and subsequently the ice is melting? That makes more sense imo.

Its okay, for some reason people on reddit get a hard on for projecting their worst assumptions onto others the moment they sniff a different opinion. I'm aware and have accepted it.