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faciepalm t1_j3v7917 wrote

Yeah, most charts show that they are levelling off from there and I am definitely not denying that China has to do a lot. But Fossil fuel companies are the sole holders of blame, as well as autocratic nations that use fossil fuels as their sources of income like UAE, saudi arabia and russia. Their money needs to be taken and used to replace fossil fuel usages like coal power plants and diesel based transport.

What's really depressing to me is knowing it's going to take decades from the point of "oh fuck this is the biggest issue for humanity" to actually begin to reverse emissions and I don't even know if we are there yet. I can't fucking understand the amount of climate denying bullshit showing up, probably riding on the backs of the antivaxxer crowds


Y34rZer0 t1_j3v7j2t wrote

Well I think the UAE would just point out the US should stop purchasing that fossil fuels rather than them stop selling them, that’s a bit of a stretch..

Don’t stress too much, I want saw a chart the estimated when we would achieve interplanetary colonisation versus the speed we are wrecking the planet, And we’re not even gonna come close to making it


faciepalm t1_j3v7xip wrote

I don't believe there isn't money from UAE etc being funneled towards anti-climate change propaganda. It's all about getting the people to not care, so they can vote for politicians who don't care


Y34rZer0 t1_j3v8rcs wrote

most likely, I don’t think there’s any separation between the people selling your oil and the people buying it either, the only colour both sides care about is the colour of money


Mysterious_Emotion t1_j3ve9wa wrote

Emissions reversal ain’t happening within our lifetime, nor our children’s lifetime….maybe in their children’s lifetime, but that could be a stretch by a large margin. Oil companies seem to be hinging their bets on carbon capture (at least one of their big bets), so they think eventually they can make it a “closed loop” system, emit, capture, emit, capture in an ever ongoing cycle, so in the meantime, it’s full steam ahead for them drilling, refining, emitting, all while majority of consumers will continue to use. Until the societies finds a way to run the world through some other economic means, the Earth is gonna get major wrecked.


faciepalm t1_j3vflwl wrote

Carbon capture without alternative energy source is literally virtue signalling too. That's what their hydrogen bullshit is about too, natural gas converted to hydrogen while still releasing the same amount of carbon dioxide. Oil companies are not trying to help at all and they dont even deserve to help, all their money, assets etc should be stripped off them and used towards actual preventative measures.

When I meant the oh shit climate change is a real issue moment that's when millions are starving, regions are getting hammered so often they cant even repair etc. When the polar ice is already long gone


Mysterious_Emotion t1_j3vgted wrote

Won’t have to wait that long. Polar icecaps are still around and it’s already happening. Mass extinction events, micro-plastics and synthetic toxic chemicals in all corners of the world, including living things like us, mountains upon mountains of waste from all industries piled up in backwater countries, facilities and infrastructures not able to keep up and withstand climate swings, many people dying….gonna be a pretty amazing fireworks display to look forward to.