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JustLikeJD t1_j40htaj wrote

It’s not just that easy. Money is a major issue for most to just up and leave.

We’re in a rental shortage in Australia. A pretty dire one actually. We got our current property on the back of a recommendation to the landlord from some family friends. There’re were only two other rentals going at that time in our closest town (9,000 residents).

I work a very specific job (caseworker for young offenders) and I’m able to have security here because there is a high demand for workers like myself in rural areas.

Last time we had a bushfire season even major cities were having runaway fires get fairly close to suburbia.


Ididitfordalolz t1_j41yqzf wrote

Any idea what this safer mumbo jumbo is about?

Fr tho, what is “safer” for Aus. Fires, floods, cyclones, etc. nowhere is safe. Combine that with the rental shortage and boom!? options evaporate