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ItsFckinSarah t1_j4x16ma wrote

So how about we make that illegal? Matter of fact I support stealing trillions from them because they stole trillions from us during covid


Graywulff t1_j4x3qo3 wrote

Yeah, lobbyists, citizens United, etc. unfortunately they have massive lobbying power and unless we emulate the GameStop short squeeze, and pool money into a political action committee, I don’t think we’d be doing much other than agreeing with each other in an idealogical bubble.

If we made environmental standards international somehow, if we improved labor standards around the world in order to sell to the US, EU, Japan, etc than we might see more investment in American manufacturing but that’s mostly robotic creating profit for the .01%.

I mean the republicans want to gut the IRS and cut the social support system to pay for it. That’s horrifying for someone on disability and who knows a lot of people dependent on the system.

People having to pay taxes on stock over 10 million worth would help a ton though. It’s. 191X decision, before that they taxed stock like regular income. Also taking the cap off of social security tax. I think 180k and 1M pay the same amount and get paid the same amount. At least with the social safety net and deficit.

The companies should def pay more, but they have rigged the system to their advantage and they collectively have trillions to do it.

It’s really hard to fight the power when they hand already hoarded all the wealth.

Too bad we aren’t like the French and cut off their power!

Unfortunately regan decapitated labor with his union busting.

We really need ranked choice voting and a labor party. Even if they didn’t run for president at first, until they stood a chance of actually winning, but instead took local legislatures and city councils and eventually federal office.

They’d vote in line with Bernie and Elizabeth Warren I’d guess.


ItsFckinSarah t1_j4x4rum wrote

Well there is one solution. Direct action


Graywulff t1_j4x8pku wrote

So there is a huge army here and a heavily militarized police force. Police have weapons from the war from M4 carbines to armored personnel carriers, to humvees, they’d put anything down pretty fast.


ItsFckinSarah t1_j4x8z71 wrote

I also think we should general strike, which is the true attack america can't handle. But both things strike me as the only way.

They're not going to keep killing workers because ultimately their power depends on workers working.


Graywulff t1_j4x9bn4 wrote

You have to get people to strike. I worked at a credit union, I was fired for having a disability and they denied disability yet no one even wants to join the union.

So if it’s hard to get people to join the union, and the government crushed the rail strike before it happened… I’m not sure how you’d get enough people behind it unless we had another crash and they bailed out Wall Street and not Main Street. That might lead to a strike.


ItsFckinSarah t1_j4xb9u6 wrote

We will have another crash and they will bail out wallstreet. But beyond that union power IS increasing. Sure it's not winning every battle, and they knew the rail strike was one they couldn't allow so they fired their shots.

But millennials and gen z do not agree with laissez-faire capitalism. And they don't agree with American power structures either. So eventually it will fall


Graywulff t1_j4xcc77 wrote

Yeah a crash is inevitable. Consumer debt is skyrocketing and consumer savings are plummeting while cost of living is dramatically increasing; during an already dodgey economy.

I think it’s the perfect storm for a major recession. I know people have been calling for one since before Covid but these new debt and savings numbers will clash and people won’t service their debt to pay for groceries.

I don’t know if the government has the money for a bailout of this magnitude. Auto debt 1 trillion alone, credit card debt is over a trillion. Like the bailouts were hundreds of billions, collectively 1.7-2t but nothing like the debt bubble that’s about to burst.

I mean maybe just let banking and finance fail. Credit unions didn’t need a bailout bc they didn’t do all the risky stuff bc nobody can own more than one share. So it’s not driven by stock price so they don’t do high risk high reward stuff for short term gain and kick the can down the line.

Let the banks collapse and let credit unions take over. If banking were non profit it’d save us a lot of money in interest but also bailouts.

How can they bail out the individual though? How can one “bail out Main Street” instead of wall Street?

Republicans will howl if the government started laying peoples debt for them. But they’d applaud if more money was spent bailing out the banks.