Submitted by AudibleNod t3_10l8ewr in UpliftingNews
G0dofNothing t1_j5vl373 wrote
Man good for her. I can’t believe the first Navajo woman is still alive.
[deleted] t1_j5vmx4l wrote
True_Kapernicus t1_j5vn23p wrote
I don't know how they publish that thinking that it is a good headline.
[deleted] t1_j5vu91y wrote
istalri96 t1_j5vwfcx wrote
For some reason I read this as if she was the first Navajo to become leader. I was confused like then who has been in charge?
sableJR t1_j5vy9fy wrote
for real my first interpretation was that a white guy was running the navajo til now
kirksucks t1_j5vydcp wrote
r/nottheonion ?
TheWorstMasterChief t1_j5vzsm4 wrote
First Navajo woman? How old is she?!?!?
meabbott t1_j5w1feg wrote
That's what I wanna know.
enraged768 t1_j5w2e09 wrote
Legends say she never dies.
7FukYalls t1_j5w2f1n wrote
They kinda have been considering that Native reservations exist... And you know, the USA.
7FukYalls t1_j5w2iyl wrote
Very happy news! Incredibly proud of her and her people to bring better services and options to first nation tribes.
Also, apparently people can't read in these comments ffs
winter457 t1_j5w2kiw wrote
Looks great for her age, being the first Navajo woman ever
name_first_name_last t1_j5w3535 wrote
Not the first Navajo, the first woman. The title is dogshit.
HappyHighwayman t1_j5w3jr3 wrote
Were women not allowed prior to her?
SWlikeme t1_j5w4ibh wrote
Not that old. It’s just been dudes until she came along. It’s weird…
UnicornOnTheJayneCob t1_j5w69uv wrote
They likely avoided saying “First Woman” as First Woman is a very important figure in our (Navajo/Diné) creation mythology.
Aur0ra12 t1_j5w6iqc wrote
"Navajo Nation Council" -- puppet government sighted!
Neat-Plantain-7500 t1_j5w87z6 wrote
totally_not_a_thing t1_j5w93hf wrote
My read was a version of that. I wondered what other women were in charge before her...
[deleted] t1_j5w9cbx wrote
-y-y-y- t1_j5wafhd wrote
No, it's a very poorly written title. Someone suggests elsewhere in the comments that the awkwardness is to avoid the phrase "First Woman", as it is apparently a term of significance in Diné culture, but "New Navajo Nations Council speaker to be woman for first time" would have been the appropriate way to phrase it in this case. The way it was written is moderately to severely fucked up grammatically. That being said, this is amazing news! Just painful journalism.
Cannibeans t1_j5warf8 wrote
Huh? Native Reservations are the exact reason it wouldn't make sense for a white dude to be running it. They're sovereign nations
DontBeHumanTrash t1_j5wbzl1 wrote
Only when its convenient to our government.
SmellyGoat11 t1_j5wcgd9 wrote
Neat, where can I learn more--- or would you be kind enough to take the time to give me the lowdown?
[deleted] t1_j5wcq56 wrote
idiotcontrolnow112 t1_j5wcx3f wrote
I’ve learned a lot from r/IndianCountry
sneakpeekbot t1_j5wcyer wrote
Here's a sneak peek of /r/IndianCountry using the top posts of the year!
#1: In 1847 my tribe donated $170 to Ireland after hearing word of the great potato famine. I am honored to to coach two Irish athletes at the 2022 Olympic Games and uphold the connection between our two nations! | 110 comments
#2: Fighting spirit | 98 comments
#3: A good script to handle these weirdos | 81 comments
^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^Contact ^^| ^^Info ^^| ^^Opt-out ^^| ^^GitHub
13yearsofage t1_j5werjd wrote
Fighting crime in her Navajo car, using her Navajor-rang. Alert her with the Navajo signal
princesoceronte t1_j5wesir wrote
I read it as if she were the first Navajo woman. For a second I thought: "How did it take this long?"
I'm a freaking idiot.
zimtrovert94 t1_j5wg7ub wrote
That title needs some serious work.
Congrats to her, though.
Standardly t1_j5wg8o5 wrote
I thought perhaps she was the first Navajo woman? I didn't recall it being a men-only tribe prior
skybluegill t1_j5whdcz wrote
It's like they go out of their way to avoid giving a name
Several_Emphasis_434 t1_j5whnil wrote
As it should’ve been all along
Mladjone t1_j5whrg1 wrote
Aw, beat me to it.
wostil-poced1649 t1_j5whswy wrote
In what way?
Table100 t1_j5wi1um wrote
according to other people in this thread and google, ‘first woman’ is a very important figure in navajo mythology, so they were probably trying to avoid being confusing/offensive
[deleted] t1_j5wiya2 wrote
Derp_a_saurus t1_j5wj1n9 wrote
Treaty violations, mostly.
want_to_join t1_j5wjmt3 wrote
Headlines: "Neil Armstrong, first man on the moon..."
Reddit: "Uhhh, AHKTUALLYYYYYY....."
GrabMyCactus t1_j5wkrh8 wrote
I read it as the First Navajo woman, (no Navajo women existed before?) became speaker.
scarfox1 t1_j5wlnqh wrote
Oh I read it as first time a Navajo led the Navajos. I was like it was white people before? I guess that's why it's uplifting
name_first_name_last t1_j5wlyh8 wrote
Oh, good to know
bobbery5 t1_j5wn3d8 wrote
Once every millenia, there is a woman.
hapiidadii t1_j5wnfur wrote
Wait, if she is the first Navajo woman, then where did all the other Navajo come from?
ETA: sorry, looks like about 800 people already beat me to the same dumb dad joke. In seriousness, I'm glad Navajo women are making their voices heard.
half3clipse t1_j5wniei wrote
It's also just headlinese, attempting to compress important information into a compact headline.
And it's perfectly fine and understandable. Headline conventions do present some syntactic ambiguity at some point, but this is entirely understandable if the reader applies even a fraction of common sense, let alone one that reads the article under the headline.
On an ambiguity scale of 1 to crash blossoms, this is a 3 at most.
thedude_imbibes t1_j5woday wrote
Shes the woman for her time and place. She just fits right in there. That's the Dudette.
[deleted] t1_j5woiuc wrote
thedude_imbibes t1_j5woq00 wrote
Like wow, she's really hanging in there, good for her lol. I bet she's got some stories huh
half3clipse t1_j5wp0hs wrote
Headline conventions accept syntactic ambiguity in favor of information density, on the assumption the reader is both 1: willing to not be deliberately obtuse and 2: if interested can read the entire following article which will explain the issue/event/etc in greater detail.
This is not new, and has been a telegraphic style was the convention long long before anyone in this thread was born. It's been how headlines have worked your entire life. If you read this title and don't easily grasp what they're talking about, that's pretty much on you.
>New Navajo Nations Council speaker to be woman for first time
That's still ambiguous anyways: It reads as if the new Navajo Nations Council speaker has just now decided to be a woman for the first time.
report_all_criminals t1_j5wp5tr wrote
We're really scraping the bottom of the barrel of "firsts" that we have to clap for.
ImagineTheCommotion t1_j5wp8wv wrote
LightningProd12 t1_j5wpb29 wrote
ImagineTheCommotion t1_j5wpq8e wrote
I’d bet that most of the Redditers who talk shit about this article’s title regularly freak out whenever someone tries to correct their grammar (or spelling)
Hayaguaenelvaso t1_j5wrkjt wrote
Like the earth, 6000 give or take
_KeyError_ t1_j5wrtb8 wrote
[deleted] t1_j5wsgry wrote
BrockManstrong t1_j5wsva5 wrote
Here's a list of cases where the tribal authorities had to sue the US government, beginning in 1940:
Failure of the The Government to protect Indians on tribal lands:
The Government asserts it's sole right to prosecute crimes committed against Indians by non-Indians on reservations:
State crimes are automatically Federal crimes on reservations:
A summation of American history with regards to removing the indigenous population:
A US Government Accountability Office report on how the US is currently failing the people it sequestered on reservations:
TheRitalinCommando t1_j5wv0g6 wrote
I doubt she's the first Navajo woman...
[deleted] t1_j5wvc1o wrote
shockingdevelopment t1_j5wvtmn wrote
Before the 1900s the US policy was "this land is yours...wait there's gold in them hills. You dead"
ketchupthree t1_j5wxe41 wrote
She must be old as shit.
eggplant_avenger t1_j5wxfnm wrote
treydestepheno t1_j5wxgqr wrote
oh man, wonder what Kevin Costner's move is gonna be this time...
beardicusmaximus8 t1_j5wz23i wrote
Its a sovereign nation! Unless we find gold, oil or uranium.
BrockManstrong t1_j5wz5ny wrote
If you read the links it never stopped.
beardicusmaximus8 t1_j5wz6b4 wrote
Not just before the 1900s sadly.
beardicusmaximus8 t1_j5wzd4h wrote
Wait, women have names?
BlackjackCF t1_j5wzhwx wrote
It’s really telling of the US’s track record with First Nationa people that that’s the first conclusion a lot of us leapt to.
ABoxACardboardBox t1_j5x1mt7 wrote
This woman has learned to speak for the house. She is our Lorax.
ImagineTheCommotion t1_j5x26c2 wrote
Kazzack t1_j5x3dhm wrote
"Woman becomes speaker for Navajo Nation Council for the first time"
__-___-__-___-__ t1_j5x3rak wrote
congrats being born
WeBornToHula t1_j5x3wr4 wrote
Imagine how many kids she's had!
SangayonSaNgayon t1_j5x4dny wrote
And she automatically becomes the speaker. Reverse gerudo.
cheese_sticks t1_j5x4hwc wrote
Can be reworded as "Navajo Nation Council selects first female speaker"
mikeymxracer t1_j5x58gr wrote
That’s Crystalyne. She’s the daughter of my great-grandmother’s sister. (Thanks for that confusing fact, Mom)
Fancykiddens t1_j5x5dgn wrote
jimboshrimp97 t1_j5x63r8 wrote
It just never happened tbh
Not like there was a campaign for this either as a good chunk of the folks I know on the rez are a bit apathetic to the tribal government (that changed a bit with covid of course). Would not surprise me if this is the first time some have heard of the role, though I'm sure folks were made aware when the last speaker got into a scandal. Nice that this has happened and it's great to see more of the younger gens take note on the tribal government and hopefully reform it for the better.
HappyHighwayman t1_j5x6cld wrote
excellent thank you
Significant_Bonus975 t1_j5x6kp2 wrote
Was the previous speaker someone other than Navajo ???
[deleted] t1_j5x6yix wrote
[deleted] t1_j5x73gc wrote
ax_colleen t1_j5x7kbi wrote
I wish Native Americans are ruling this country to be honest
the_zachmamba t1_j5x82vi wrote
About time there is a Navajo woman!
damnitineedaname t1_j5x8xq7 wrote
Navaho Nations Council Elect First Female Speaker
Clear, concise, and shorter than the current title.
HeyThisIsntTinder t1_j5x9isj wrote
"First Navajo woman"
believeinpizza t1_j5x9owy wrote
I assumed this as well. Wouldn’t be surprised tbh
HarlesD t1_j5x9vjy wrote
Let's be real they'd take land away if they needed a place to shit.
UnicornOnTheJayneCob t1_j5x9x7y wrote
In other families/clans it might be different, but given the Navajo conception of gender as I was taught it, it would be somewhat unusual to refer to solely a woman’s physical body in that way.
It isn’t that it is private per se, or inconsequential, it just doesn’t give the full picture or convey what is significant about this story. The new speaker is not “just” female. She is specifically a woman (asdzáán). That is, she is a female-bodied person with a feminine spirit who assumes the feminine gender role in society and in her relationships with others.
(Navajo society traditionally has about five genders, of which Woman is the primary.)
Does that make any sense?
QuestioningEspecialy t1_j5xaob3 wrote
Is this one of their "signs of the endtimes" or was it a female president? 🤔 Either way, cool. Bring on the reign!~ 🙌🏾
Slappy_G t1_j5xauib wrote
No wonder their numbers have fallen.
Slappy_G t1_j5xaxou wrote
Only if you educate them...
Hoitaa t1_j5xb5iw wrote
That title is all the more reason to use her damned name.
Even_Set t1_j5xbln4 wrote
i think that can brink on the side of racial fetishism. Not that you're ever going to sexualize them, but seeing one race as "royalty" might turn some heads.
Its great that you respect them, as we all should, but might want to rephrase your statement.
ax_colleen t1_j5xbu7i wrote
I don't take the royalty statement too seriously if that makes sense.
Even_Set t1_j5xc30y wrote
Yeah I feel you and I figured. I just think that's more of a "keep in my head" thing, and instead just showing a great appreciation might come across a little smoother.
Sorry if this is coming across rude, i just don't want to see you end up being flamed for describing your thoughts elsewhere.
joebewaan t1_j5xcass wrote
Yeah when I read this in the feed I assumed it was a /r/NotTheOnion post
santichrist t1_j5xcsgk wrote
There were definitely other Navajo women to exist first
LuxNocte t1_j5xdpda wrote
Kinda says a lot about you as well.
Generallyawkward1 t1_j5xe3fb wrote
Wait. So before, there were ZERO Navajo on the Navajo council? A bunch of white men and women?
SonnyJimJ0nes t1_j5xe4wp wrote
La Duderina
[deleted] t1_j5xf566 wrote
Mayor__Defacto t1_j5xfa31 wrote
Could have used something like “In a first, a Navajo Woman was selected to be Speaker of the Navajo Nation Council”
UnicornOnTheJayneCob t1_j5xgfcq wrote
I explained this in another comment, but because of the Navajo conception of gender, saying it like that wouldn’t actually be whole or complete! To a Diné reader, it might even be LESS clear.
You can, for example, be female but not a woman. (You can be a masculine-spirited person with a female body, or a person with a female body whose spirit switches between masculine and feminine. Neither are termed “women”, and have their own gender names).
Traditionally, women do not become clan chiefs, though they participate in tribal leadership in other ways. So a role like this is significant for a person who plays a traditional feminine role among the people.
UnicornOnTheJayneCob t1_j5xgyth wrote
She is an auntie!
(Then again, EVERYBODY is an auntie!)
UnicornOnTheJayneCob t1_j5xh159 wrote
The VP is a woman too!
QuestioningEspecialy t1_j5xhs3g wrote
...How are the mods? If I'm gonna get burned, let me know now so I can have the cream ready.
QuestioningEspecialy t1_j5xhz4g wrote
Yeah, that does actually (surprisingly). How did woman become the primary gender, and what are the other 4? o.o
Longjumping-You-5329 t1_j5xi2nf wrote
Can somebody tell me about the first woman myth in Navajo mythology
UnicornOnTheJayneCob t1_j5xi6jp wrote
Interesting that you should “ask.” First Woman, though not this specific first woman, was at first solely a spiritual being. She and First Man sort of made themselves bodies and then made themselves human.
goliathfasa t1_j5xif6f wrote
Before her the speakers were all oddly white women.
rokhana t1_j5xjh0e wrote
I was under the impression that Náhleeh and Dilbaa simply meant feminine man and masculine woman respectively, men and women who are gender-nonconforming. Is this incorrect?
[deleted] t1_j5xjl2k wrote
ThatSmallFighter t1_j5xlg3g wrote
Like some demigod with eternal life that has outlived all other Navajo women.
ax_colleen t1_j5xmfvu wrote
You're right, and I appreciate sharing your thoughts. I should be more careful with cultural context. Thank you.
ylcard t1_j5xmz5v wrote
Is that allowed?
threyon t1_j5xnww4 wrote
Or they wanna carve a bunch of peoples faces in the side of a mountain.
The_OtherHalf t1_j5xoyoa wrote
Navajo politics in the past… 😬 I’ve never been bothered to look into it but I know it’s been rife with some corruption most notably embezzlement. Now I feel a lot of this new blood has been decent but I just couldn’t say because obviously I know nothing. With what opinions you hold, they’ve been pretty strict with COVID restrictions but that may be due to a pretty morbid start for the Navajo nation in the beginning stage. Also, it’s a dry Nation and I’ve never been fond of that kind of governance. :( …I don’t know about other tribes either but I’m just speaking from experience. Sorry I’m high but what I’m saying is as a Navajo person myself I don’t want them ruling the country no thank you 🤣 let’s please just leave it to educated people which would totally include Native Americans by golly I’ve met some incredible NA college graduates.
[deleted] t1_j5xq0rl wrote
[deleted] t1_j5xq9aq wrote
[deleted] t1_j5xqf7q wrote
BlackjackCF t1_j5xr81c wrote
That I want America to do better? Yes.
[deleted] t1_j5xr8j4 wrote
rhodopensis t1_j5xs15w wrote
I mean, the same could just be reworded then, no? Maybe “First-Ever Woman Speaker” to avoid the phrase “First Woman” and the use of female.
3percentinvisible t1_j5xsxy3 wrote
I read it as she was the first navajo woman, which really led to other questions
[deleted] t1_j5xtpbh wrote
Mymilkshakes777 t1_j5xur3b wrote
SAME. I immediately was like EXCUSE ME?!
nowhereman136 t1_j5xurzc wrote
Funfact: in 1928, Charles Curtis was elected Vice President under Herbert Hoover. Curtis was 3/8th Native American and a member of the Kaw Nation. He was the first vice president to acknowledge non-european ancestry and the only one until the current VP, Kamala Harris, became the second.
Terpomo11 t1_j5xw1cj wrote
The Onondaga seem to have negotiated a certain amount of independence for themselves. For example, I live close to Onondaga land and I've heard that apparently in like the 70s some guy who was wanted by the government fled into Onondaga territory and the Onondaga refused to turn him over to the US government.
FreshBakedButtcheeks t1_j5xw2sf wrote
Crazy Horse is such an ambitious project
FreshBakedButtcheeks t1_j5xw8r6 wrote
I would also love to know about the other 4. Presumably one is male.
TipFine3928 t1_j5xysob wrote
The White devil
TruffelTroll666 t1_j5xz1ko wrote
She looks pretty great for her age
UnicornOnTheJayneCob t1_j5y8e20 wrote
Yep - I don’t know why they didn’t just do that!
[deleted] t1_j5yak5y wrote
[deleted] t1_j5yaoc8 wrote
SheCouldFromFaceThat t1_j5ybgir wrote
Oh? Do tell...
freedomfightre t1_j5ybnsd wrote
ew /s
Alternative_Art8223 t1_j5yc1rc wrote
Glad these comments cleared up that some white guy wasn’t in charge. I though oh wow.. I’m proud but how…? Lol
ReactsWithWords t1_j5ye3qi wrote
And would anyone have been even slightly surprised?
Passing4human t1_j5yek0k wrote
Is there a Navajo language version of the Navajo Times?
Thatswhatthatdoes t1_j5yf0ea wrote
Nope. You can’t even run for office unless you’re on the tribal roll and you must be at least 50% Navajo to be on the roll. They’re really selective about who they vote as Navajo Nation president too. Several years ago a guy in his 40’s was trying to run become president. Because he’d spent time outside the Navajo Nation and cultivated a successful career along with solid degrees he was seen by the younger generation as someone that would be really good for the NN as a whole. If I remember right he wasn’t elected because he didn’t speak Navajo.
[deleted] t1_j5yg7f7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j5yi5xt wrote
UnicornOnTheJayneCob t1_j5yiby5 wrote
In Navajo culture as I was taught to understand it by my family, we are all spiritual people housed in physical forms. Our spirit and our relationships are who we “are.” It is part of why a Diné will introduce themselves with the names of the clans of their parents/grandparents when first meeting someone: it establishes their relationships and where they sit in the world.
When we introduce ourselves like this, we lead with our mother’s clans, as the Diné are matrilineal. That’s why woman is the primary gender. Traditional Navajo society is also matriarchal and matrilocal. That is, men leave their mothers’ home and relocate to their wife’s home when they marry, and children “belong” to their mother’s family. So, if you are Navajo, your cousins on your mother’s side are closer to you than your cousins on your father’s side, something a little closer to siblings. Property is also inherited through the mother’s line.
The genders are:
- Asdzáán - Woman - as above. To put it in modern terms, a straight cis-gender woman.
- Hastiin - Man - male-bodied, masculine-spirited person that fulfills the masculine gender role in Navajo society and in his relationships with others. Straight cis-gender man.
- Dilbaa - Female-bodied person with a masculine spirit who fulfills the masculine role in society and in relationships with others. The closest but-not-quite-right analogues in modern society would be a butch lesbian or a FTM transgender person who is attracted to women.
- Náhleeh - Male-bodied person with a feminine spirit who assumes the feminine role in society and in relationships. Closest analogues: effeminate gay man or MTF transgender person attracted to men.
- Nádleehi - Person of indeterminate physical gender, or of either physical gender, who can switch back and forth between being fully masculine and fully feminine and can fulfill either role in society. We don’t really have a good modern analogue for this - closest would be an intersex person. They are perceived as literally embodying two spirits: a masculine one, and a feminine one, which is what enables them to switch.
Sometimes this last one is broken down even further into relevant subtypes: a person with a male body who changes, a person with a female body who changes, and an androgynous person who switches/changes. That’s why sometimes people say that Navajo culture has “at least five” genders.
As a side note, that could also be a reason why the author didn’t put something like “Navajo council speaker to be woman for first time”, as some people have suggested. It wouldn’t be wholly out of the ordinary for a person in this last category who had been acting according to their masculine spirit until now to “be a woman for the first time” if it were the first time they were fully embodying their feminine spirit. I mean, it would still be a weird headline, and not exactly newsworthy, and it is really, REALLY much more likely that it is just poorly written, but it is just this side of possible that it was a deliberate choice (probably not!)
BreakfastGrenade t1_j5yjjo6 wrote
First Navajo woman? what is she, like five, ten thousand years old?
MuddyWaterTeamster t1_j5yjknw wrote
Google what happened when the Sioux tried to have stricter Covid regulations on their reservation than the rest of South Dakota. The governor worked harder at stopping them then she did at stopping Covid.
LuxNocte t1_j5ylccs wrote
shrug You can't blame society as a whole for your own mental state. If your first thought was that the Navajo nation was run by a white guy, maybe that is a good time for some introspection.
We all have implicit biases. It shouldn't be so difficult to admit that we all can improve. Externalizing mistakes means that you will repeat them.
UnicornOnTheJayneCob t1_j5ylopk wrote
Good question! It is really long, like explaining the Old Testament or something like that. But First Woman is basically the mother goddess-equivalent mixed with an Eve-equivalent. She and First Man came to be in the First World as spiritual beings, gained consciousness, and brought the People to this world (the fourth or fifth world, where we are now). After lots of other stuff that happened, they formed the sun and moon and land and stars, and formed themselves bodies to inhabit and became humans.
The creation myth is called the Diné Bahane, if you want to look it up! Also, Wally Brown, a Navajo historian, has some slightly long winded but highly informative videos about it on YT. My favorite source about Navajo culture in general (though not necessarily about mythology) on YT though is Navajo Grandma. She talks a little bit about the origins of the people here, mostly starting with Changing Woman.
[deleted] t1_j5ylt5v wrote
HoldenDickensuch t1_j5yluy5 wrote
That they don’t have a firm grasp on reality if that was their first assumption
smegdawg t1_j5ym3nl wrote
I can't believe they had non Navajo Women as speaker for the house of the Navajo Nation Council.
oRiskyB t1_j5ymb5m wrote
She is like the character from Horizon but instead of climbing trees she climbs cakes
traye4 t1_j5yo4xc wrote
While an accurate representation of events, that changes the emphasis of the story. Instead of remarking on the achievement of the speaker it remarks on the actions of the council.
redrightreturning t1_j5yod3j wrote
Thank you for taking the time to write this out and teach us a bit more about your culture.
UnicornOnTheJayneCob t1_j5ypeq2 wrote
I am not an elder or anything, but from what I was taught, it isn’t incorrect, but also it is sort of a shorthand, you know? Putting it that way is just a really good way of simplifying it at all without having to go into the whole structure of traditional society and myth, the different gender roles and the somewhat thorny issue of sexuality, how it all interacts with colonization/history, etc.
Road_Whorrior t1_j5yrqrg wrote
They stole the land near where I grew up to use for a Japanese internment camp despite the tribe the land belonged to specifically telling them they would have no part in genociding another group the way they were genocided. The government originally "asked" to use the land, and when that was refused, they did it anyway.
[deleted] t1_j5yt54m wrote
tegs_terry t1_j5yvsd4 wrote
And any council leaders corrupt enough to get into bed with them.
threyon t1_j5yxcuz wrote
I don’t think I’m familiar with it.
UnicornOnTheJayneCob t1_j5yz1xd wrote
u/_Gandalf_the_Ghey_ I can totally understand why that people might think that it was retconned and not traditional, but in this specific case it doesn't happen to be that way. I would honestly say that it is more like people are now re-embracing the mythology after a multi-decade period of rejection of it because of assimilation into mainstream American culture. You will definitely see some elders shunning people who identify as something other than "man" or "woman", especially if they are not fulfilling very traditional gender roles otherwise.
The genders like this have been recorded by non-native authors as early as the 1800s and is a part of the Diné creation myth that has been told for thousands of years! Plus, it isn't really a precise fit for modern western conceptions of gender - or especially of sexuality. For example, in traditional Navajo society (at least as I was taught, again), it is not acceptable to be a masculine gay man. If you are a person who forms romantic/sexual relationships with men, it is only okay if you are otherwise fulfilling a strict feminine role in Navajo society, and that is definitely out of step with modern American sensibilities of sexuality.
Plus Navajo hair is pretty difficult to dye blue in my experience. =P
Silent_Ensemble t1_j5z2adp wrote
A lot has changed in 50 years, I’m willing to bet it’d go down very differently today
ThereRNoFkingNmsleft t1_j5za9f5 wrote
I'm a bit surprised that this is the first time that woman becomes speaker, given that it's traditionally matriarchal society. Do you know the context why it has not been a woman so far?
turnip-taker t1_j5zf761 wrote
Wait, what? I mean I would hope so—OHHhhhhhh
Night_Runner t1_j5zhgx7 wrote
Congratulations to the Navajos for having their first woman ever! (Crappy editors are crappy.)
Generallyawkward1 t1_j5zj718 wrote
The title of the post is misleading. I’m not the only one that thought that, but, apparently, I touched some nerves.
poopmeister1994 t1_j5zrjlr wrote
Congrats to the Navajo for finally having a woman. Must have been a struggle before, popping out of the ground or being made out of clay or whatever
AvocadoInTheRain t1_j5zso53 wrote
specifying navajo woman makes it sound like there have been non-navajo women speakers of the navajo nation council.
wunwinglo t1_j607rz7 wrote
Who knew Navajo people were so sexist? Disgraceful.
BunchaCreeps t1_j60dvvy wrote
My guy, it’s because historically white america has taken upon itself to speak for non-white America. Learn the history
LuxNocte t1_j60xmhx wrote
There are excellent reasons that you may expect to see white faces in positions of power. That doesn't mean that it is not problematic to expect to see white faces in positions of power.
BunchaCreeps t1_j614jws wrote
Ok, no one is saying it’s not problematic. The reason people are taking issue with you is because you think it’s problematic on the people who’ve noticed the pattern rather than the people who created and have consistently maintained that pattern
UnicornOnTheJayneCob t1_j615bi0 wrote
Ah, called out! Confession: I actually don’t think it really is a true matriarchy, or ever has been. In reality, it is matrilineal, Matrilocal, and matrifocal but not actually matriarchal. The clan chiefs have always been men, though the clan system itself and inheritance is all matrilineal, which made it the social system somewhat balanced. But when Europeans came, they were subject to their own biases about gender roles, and therefore dealt solely with the chiefs, reinforcing their leadership. In my opinion, it stuck even as other traditions faded.
Also, the council in anything approaching this form has only existed for 100 years. Women first stated joining it, though not as speaker, within the first 20 years of its inception. The tribal presidency has only existed since the 1980s, and the current Vice President is a woman. I think that between those things, it really makes sense that these are new things.
If you asked my grandmother though, she would laugh at you and ask why women would need to have roles like that when they are so busy running everything anyway?
ThereRNoFkingNmsleft t1_j618k3n wrote
Interesting, thanks for the answer. I guess whether it's matriarchial or no then depends on the power that the chiefs hold.
Thatswhatthatdoes t1_j6289zg wrote
It’s a sensitive topic and one I knew basically nothing about until I lived in Navajo area for several years. Even now, there’s still a lot I don’t know or understand because they have such an interesting and complex culture and history.
I think it’s fair to say that unless you’re around Native politics, you won’t be aware of most of what goes on and so much of it is different from tribe to tribe. Just because it’s true for one tribe doesn’t mean that it’s true for another. Every form of government has its strengths and weaknesses, as an outsider it’s easier to see them sometimes. For example, my partner and I were having a group conversation about some of the issues we had noticed in Navajo area and a participant got angry at us because her adopted son was part of the Comanche tribe. She didn’t know that they had completely different issues, political systems, and constitutions.
I apologize if I came across as harsh in my original reply. That wasn’t my intention but tone is difficult to convey through text on a screen.
rokhana t1_j62o2uq wrote
Gotcha, thanks.
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