Recent comments in /f/UpliftingNews

Starkat1515 t1_je5meh5 wrote

They sell the special little binders that hold the special plastic, zippered envelopes, that make it more fun and a little easier to use the envelope method.


I don't use them, but they're some of those products that give the illusion of productivity :P


RabbitOfSpades t1_je58ph8 wrote

The article says that as she started gathering an audience from her envelope-stuffing techniques, she began making personalized embroidered money binders due to not many places make them.

Could you do this with just paper envelopes? Yes. But I think some folks respond better with fabric and plastic that just paper.


EmeraldHawk t1_je58dro wrote

From the article:

>she turned cash stuffing into a business — Baddies and Budgets — through which she sells money courses, budgeting supplies and other accessories.

Her website literally does sell physical envelopes. She did not write a piece of software to help people budget.


west0ne t1_je53jhk wrote

I assumed they were just posting their techniques on social media and YouTube and making money through advertising.

This isn't a new technique, my mom and grandmother used to do this but they used old jam-jars, that was when people were paid weekly in cash and most purchases were made in cash.


Matthew_C1314 t1_je4wkxj wrote

It depends. I work in finance and met a guy who took Dave Ramsey to heart, at least the biblical parts. He sold his house and car, then bought a cash car and rents a home now. Said he didn't want to be in debt to anyone, but failed to see how being a renter was much worse. I agree with you about credit cards though, they are a nice feature if you are responsible. However, most americans use it as a slush fund to cover bills they can't normally do.


magneticgumby t1_je4vxjy wrote

Loved YNAB and used it back when it was a one-time purchase software you could use. When it went to the new model with the website and everything, kept using the software until that went to poo and they pushed hard for the website service. It was a shame to see the original version get left in the dust.


kfadffal t1_je4vk0d wrote

Banking seems really weird in the US. I have 17 accounts for my budgeting and could open more if I wanted very easily online or via an app. Don't you guys also have some bullshit with bank transfers and stuff which is why things like Venmo exist?