Recent comments in /f/UpliftingNews

goldenhawkes t1_jea5lr5 wrote

Yep. My grandparents entire social life was dominated by the church. Ladies group, men’s group, the marrieds group (they founded it when they were all young and newlywed, and had to change the name at some point…) scouts, guides, youth clubs, Sunday school, choir, coffee mornings…. All of it. The harvest suppers and Christmas variety show, the musical performances. I remember it when I was a kid in the 90s and it “wasn’t like the old days” and then it all stopped. They’ve sold off some of the substantial hall space now. My grandparents and all their friends are gone.


alancake t1_jea3vvc wrote

This is definitely true of the US. The UK has not had religion as a cornerstone of community for a long time. My town's landmark church (huge, ornate and beautiful) has only survived by reinventing itself as a secular community hub as well as still conducting its religious services. So now we have this gorgeous building holding flower festivals, theatre productions, science fairs, ice skating, cinema showings, an annual beer festival and much more, in addition to running a coffee shop and childrens play area for anyone who just wants to pop in. It's wonderful, and much more in line with the community hub it would have originally been centuries ago.


GoBanana42 t1_jea34d2 wrote

It's a lot more/worse than raging about it "somewhere online." It's a constant and ugly thing.

Everyone needs to vent once in a while, but it's extremely disingenuous to act like that's what the above comment is talking about. If you want to talk about trying something, try seeing millions of angry men online complaining (often directly to you!) about how you should be giving them sex and how your completely normal standards and expectations are ruining their lives. Threatening your life because of it. Sometimes acting on it.

Online dating sucks and I have empathy for dealing with bots and flakey/shallow people. But it's not nearly the same issue as the rampant misogyny and incel ranting that translates to real violence and harassment against women.