Submitted by PM_ME_SOME_LUV t3_yl3h6m
Submitted by LifeTableWithChairs t3_11nqq5n
Submitted by davster39 t3_11eda8v
Submitted by ElderBass t3_zz7qjz
"Women's football is reaching newer heights and the Barcelona effect" - Twitter erupts as The Roma vs. Barcelona match in the UEFA Women's Champions League at the Stadio Olimpico is the highest attended match in the history of Italian women's football
featurefootball.comSubmitted by Ragnarok_619 t3_121nzgz
Submitted by echosayswhat t3_10kwzqo
Submitted by Available_Regret_983 t3_100p451
Submitted by AsslessBaboon t3_zcf1os
Submitted by citytiger t3_111fxkx
Submitted by _PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t3_11ng1ww
Submitted by AmethystOrator t3_10dopzr
Submitted by citytiger t3_11478sc
Submitted by Sariel007 t3_yjrirh
Submitted by Mrloler70 t3_117zrfs
Submitted by Sariel007 t3_zumr02
Submitted by citytiger t3_10duz71
Submitted by scudobuio t3_zlnplt