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t1_j98z6y3 wrote

Here is where critical thinking comes in. Fascist and totalitarian states do force individuals to do things they may be unwilling to do. As do democracies. You may not want to wear a seatbelt while driving, you may not want to wear a helmet while on a bicycle. But I doubt you would argue that being forced to wear a helmet or seatbelt is the same kind of imposition on peraonal freedom that mass execution is.

There are two other problems here. The science behind vaccines is sound. The data on the covid vaccines was and is sound, despite the fact that a sitting preaident tried to turn it into a political issue.

For the record, if you attwnded public school, you already had about eight vaccines, and presumably survived them.

Finally, you should truly be entitled to bodily autonomy, I believe that, I am sure you do as well. But refusing to vaccinate means that you can injure or kill a literally unlimites number of people, without knowing it, just going about your business, and that is something society cannot and will not allow. We dont allow drunk driving, because you could easily kill other people. If you were carrying covid, you could kill an unlimited number of people.

The science in favor of vaccination is bulletproof. This has been made an issue by people that want to exploit scared gullible people.

Maybe you.see the vaccine as a risk, why not be brave for the sake of the vulnerable people in your community..

So, thats your answer. Calling me a nazi is not an adult behavior, its an attempt to turn an intellectual issue into an emotional one .