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4bethany t1_j91onwh wrote

No clergy confession should be more protected than the rights of an abused child. To say otherwise is ignorant and egregious. The Mormon church is going through a lawsuit because for six years the Mormon clergy knew that a man was raping his two young daughters, but never reported it. Protecting the confession rights of criminals over the safety of children is the definition of evil from these so called religions.


FalseAnimal t1_j91soql wrote

With the Mormon practice of the elders having one on one sessions with children where they're "interviewed" about sexual matters, I bet there is a "the call is coming from inside the house!" type situation as well.


MyLittlePIMO t1_j956n3y wrote

Also, doctors and teachers and therapists already are mandatory reporters with the same standards.

This isn’t remotely unreasonable or a high burden.

Also, Texas and West Virginia and there other states already make clergy mandatory reporters with no exceptions and it has worked out perfectly fine. Literally the only argument I’ve heard against this is slippery slope nonsense that hasn’t played out anywhere it’s been implemented.

This is a no brainer. Every politician who opposes it should be figuratively beaten over the head as a pedophile protector when they run for re election. Jim Walsh’s rant against this bill should literally be played straight as an attack ad by whoever runs against him.