Submitted by trueslicky t3_11kkdjl in Washington
anti-zastava t1_jb7utaq wrote
Hopefully these people can keep their hands out of our pockets...
SharanskyWailer t1_jb7vv9t wrote
This is actually a huge honor. I hate that it takes visits like this to remind us that Washington has very big Finnish-American population, especially right across the bridge from Astoria over in Oregon.
JacktheTrapper t1_jb7xj61 wrote
Finland is one of the most progressive countries on the planet with a population of around 5 million people. They’re doing fine without our money, educate yourself before you type
anti-zastava t1_jb88llf wrote
I'll get downvoted to oblivion, but we shouldn't give money to the ukrainians either.
Gwtheyrn t1_jb8exk1 wrote
And I'd prefer if we didn't have to give money to Idaho, Mississippi, or North Dakota, yet here we are.
[deleted] t1_jb8g5q4 wrote
Fartknocker500 t1_jb8hw4t wrote
My family is from Astoria, all Finns. I thought the Finnish president coming to WA is really amazing.
Fartknocker500 t1_jb8hzas wrote
I think we should worry about the American Nazis.
mods_r_jobbernowl t1_jb8ig05 wrote
This is the first i'm hearing of Astoria having a lot of people of Finnish descent.
[deleted] t1_jb8iy3t wrote
SharanskyWailer t1_jb8j0ok wrote
It's a not-so-well-kept secret. I had the pleasure of talking to 70-something year-old Finnish man at a fundraising lunch at the lodge there that there were so many in the area decades ago (into the 1960s and 1970s) that they still spoke Finnish with each other in everyday life.
Apparently, Astoria had one of the largest populations in the USA outside Minnesota and Wisconsin. Those who haven't passed away have mostly left the area. The same old man complained bitterly about the economic decline and how there is so much poverty and addiction in the area instead.
KooterPoundist t1_jb8pjjg wrote
lol what a generalization. what does "giving money to nazis" even mean? are we asking for their ideological affiliation and then handing out wads of cash? are there nazi battalions we fund per accordance of their anti-semitism? are you even operating on any sense of fact? newsflash, these all share the same answer.
at any rate, you could easily apply that to anyone funding any military.
you wanna seem so morally upright but i don't think you actually give a fuck about these things or you'd bring up the wretched domestic abuse laws in Russia, or the rampant anti-semitism in Russian media (read: the ukrainian president is Jewish).
bitches will act like they have standards and meanwhile run implicit defense for fascistic causes, lmfao.
"uuhh m'kay, as long as you don't give money to duh nawzis" as if dude, as if
kr9969 t1_jb8pjvb wrote
Same with my grandmas side, they spent their time between Astoria and Aberdeen, where they had a cranberry farm just a little ways away in grayland.
Fun fact, my grandmas family name is in the cranberry museum there.
Barbarella_ella t1_jb8uomk wrote
You idiot. Finland rates higher than the U.S. on most every meaningful measure of a developed country.
lurkerfromstoneage t1_jb93dlb wrote
UP of Michigan too for sure. Heck they even have Suomi College. Am Finn-American with a large Finnish family from MN, WI, MI. Didn’t know about Astoria either I’ll need to look more into that!
clisto3 t1_jb96ht2 wrote
Are we Finnished yet?
OlyScott t1_jb9ifz0 wrote
Did you know that the president of Ukraine is a Jewish man whose grandfather was killed by Nazis?
leela_martell t1_jb9k7kv wrote
If you didn’t want to help Ukraine maybe you shouldn’t have been part of the group of countries (with Russia and the UK) who made Ukraine give up its nukes in exchange of protection (Budapest memorandum) in the first place. Has it never occurred to people like you that when your country inserts itself everywhere that doesn’t only come with benefits but also responsibilities?
Finland has never (and I do mean never, including Marshall Aid) gotten a single penny from the US and we’re not asking for money or even equipment, just partnership.
By the way most Europeans are really grateful to Joe Biden, his government and the gracious people of the US (unlike you) who want to help when asked.
Habba84 t1_jb9l612 wrote
What about pick-ups per yearly salary!?
TheFairAmerican t1_jb9s1po wrote
I might be one of the few who knows what that means lol. Very cool though. (From a swede finn)
freckledtabby t1_jb9vnz2 wrote
Great news!
Many Scandinavians migrated to Western WA for the fishing industry. It feels good dropping an "Oh-ya" every now and then, sure-in-ya-betcha!
trueslicky OP t1_jb9wde1 wrote
Don't bother rationalizing with trolls.
Th3seViolentDelights t1_jbaeea7 wrote
I didn't even know this was happening, it's very cool!
AdAdventurous8225 t1_jbap4fc wrote
Got giggle out of me.
I_miss_your_mommy t1_jbawfi2 wrote
I'm a little embarrassed I didn't even know Finland had a president. I've only heard of their PM.
swirlingreality t1_jbccpet wrote
I thought The Finnish President was that hot lady. When did it become this dude
rosesandpiglets t1_jb7tw2z wrote
Cool, let me know when the Kind of Norway comes back.
Lol, apparently no one liked my Poulsbo humor