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SereneDreams03 t1_jbqahg9 wrote

I'm pretty sure their are still using dial-up AOL. 😁


SereneDreams03 t1_jbqdj40 wrote

Just kidding around, I love the Pullman area, but I'm not sure what ISP's they have in Colfax.

This sub doesn't get a lot of traffic, I would try asking the question on r/Pullman.


penguin_616 OP t1_jbqjmlp wrote

Thanks, I'll post this over there. But uh oh, is Colfax considered pretty rural? There's practically no cat friendly houses for rent in Pullman right now.


SereneDreams03 t1_jbqknpo wrote

That part of the state is pretty sparsely populated in general, and the town has less than 3,000 people. Maybe not technically rural, but you're pretty far from any major cities.

It's only 20 minutes from Pullman, though, which is a nice college town, and the area is beautiful.