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t1_jcvbq40 wrote

Seattle is very socially liberal and cosmopolitan. It doesn’t have nearly the same degree of racial politics typical of cities in the South or the East Coast or Midwest. There are not that many African Americans overall, but biggest cluster is concentrated in South Seattle (alongside other “ethnic” enclaves - Vietnamese, Ethiopian, etc.). There has been tension due to recent gentrification of these communities as high paid tech professionals have gobbled up the Central District, and lower paid white collar workers (no longer able to afford the more expensive neighborhoods) have moved into other southern neighborhoods along the light rail route.

In professional class neighborhoods, and many others - including those recently gentrified, you will see plenty of BLM signs. This is (literally) the home of Robin D’Angelo and there are plenty of well-meaning liberals in that mold who feel strongly for the plight of African-Americans but who may have trouble getting past that lens and relating to African-Americans on an individual level.