AdAdventurous8225 t1_jc4mpeb wrote
Tsunavialex t1_jc4mz0n wrote
Same here!
IamYouamI123 t1_jc4nvlo wrote
Be nice to help the people making all the fucking money. Budtenders were essential workers the whole pandemic, didn’t get dick from Washington State for it. Everyone in the cannabis industry is treated like a second class citizen here. Fucking bullshit.
PepeLePuget t1_jc4q896 wrote
What's the ratio between the amount of cannabis and liquor sold?
[deleted] t1_jc4rji7 wrote
TekkDub t1_jc4svpr wrote
One oz equals 750ml of booze
intrepidated t1_jc4sx96 wrote
Great, now let's talk about reducing the insane liquor tax
[deleted] t1_jc4u2zv wrote
PepeLePuget t1_jc4z2zz wrote
I mean, on what sales volume did cannabis reap 2x liquor's tax revenue? It wasn't 2x as much cannabis was it, because they're taxed at different rates and I highly doubt cannabis outsold liquor. If liquor outsold cannabis 2:1 and made just half the tax revenue, wouldn't that suggest that pot users are paying too much? Particularly if alcohol is correlated with greater health and social impacts. I'm sure the figures already exist I just don't know where to look.
Bigbluebananas t1_jc53k9b wrote
Idk what stores you shop at, but the one i go to has big bruiser type security and doormen, the budtenders simply call to them if a customer is being rude and they boot them immediately. They dont tolerate being shit on
[deleted] t1_jc578nu wrote
LarryHeartNYHC t1_jc59dh0 wrote
Fix my roads MF!!!
etcpt t1_jc5a6ua wrote
That's a good question. I'm not sure where to find the sales figures either. But the excise tax on cannabis products is 37%, while the spirits sales tax is 20.5%. However, there is also a spirits liter tax of $3.7708 per liter, which means that the effective tax rate is inversely proportional to the price per liter.
wwJones t1_jc5c3ha wrote
Pay the teachers.
[deleted] t1_jc5cfzp wrote
Donkyrapingshiteatr t1_jc5cvqb wrote
What does the money go to?
[deleted] t1_jc5dob7 wrote
holiday650 t1_jc5dtuh wrote
There's a breakdown of it on the state website:
-General Fund – $157 million -Basic Health – $264 million -Local Governments – $20 million -Washington State Health Care Authority – $53 million -Department of Health – $9 million -Washington State Patrol – $2.2 million -Washington Liquor and Cannabis Board – $11.8 Other – $1.5 million
Edit: sorry for ugly formatting! On mobile!
MoreRonLess t1_jc5eofa wrote
None of it goes to roads.
[deleted] t1_jc5hzpr wrote
JJaySmokes t1_jc5i2b0 wrote
Also me as well
KevyKev223 t1_jc5in89 wrote
Stop urine drug screens for THC! Then I could switch from alcohol too.
fishypants t1_jc5nxmv wrote
It’s wild how expensive alcohol is here now. I miss state run liquor stores and being able to get whiskey at MSRP. Always stock up when I’m in Oregon.
fishypants t1_jc5o0cs wrote
Yeah, it’s silly. Enjoy an edible on a 10 day vacation in Mexico and then lose your job a month later because you fail a piss test. Something kinda messed up about that…
Snushine t1_jc5pnqv wrote
I'll guess, because this is government work, they just did a dollar-for-dollar comparison, not a item-by-item, or by the pound or ounce or anything like that.
My guess is the measurement is the buck.
Snushine t1_jc5pvkj wrote
Your employer has the power to overlook the THC panel on the drug screen...if they wish. Unless, of course, you work in the transportation industry, in which case, you're chances are super slim to none.
Nightstorm_NoS t1_jc5qvif wrote
And yet they keep upping property tax….
MMorrighan t1_jc5s0zu wrote
And my pipe!
iJeffwuh t1_jc5s7py wrote
That has nothing to do with anything. Purchase tax and property tax have nothing in common.
Just be glad we don’t have state income tax.
entropic_apotheosis t1_jc5sz3q wrote
This was the sole reason state workers didn’t have to have furlough days beyond august of 2020 or something like that. The budget deficit was made up with alcohol and marijuana sales. I wish it could have done something for the housing crisis and inflation too.
Gekokapowco t1_jc5uirm wrote
I can understand requirements not to show up to work drunk or high, but in your free time? If you're dictating my sobriety outside of the office, I'm still on the clock as far as I'm concerned.
Baron-Harkonnen t1_jc5vnn0 wrote
Wow the board got fuuuuuucked.
cloudlvr1 t1_jc5wqpo wrote
The_bookworm65 t1_jc5zl19 wrote
Can we use some of that money to home some of the homeless people?
Collie_Mom t1_jc62ne0 wrote
Nice, Now let's be transparent as to WHERE ALL THAT MONEY IS! It's Not in our infrastructure or our public schools.
lurkerfromstoneage t1_jc65enr wrote
Lol there’s a dispensary company owner who has a massive yacht (the brand name is huge letters and logo on the stern) on Lake WA near one of the marinas in a multi million dollar mansion right on the water so I’ll skip the sympathy for them…
lurkerfromstoneage t1_jc65iju wrote
Someone already commented this but here ya go…
lurkerfromstoneage t1_jc66446 wrote
Pay your registration and car tabs fees, pay taxes…. Federal funding helps with repairs and roadwork too…
Gz-Nutz- t1_jc67sma wrote
Yea cannabis is paying more per taxable unit. Our rate is 37% plus local sales tax average of like $.086 or close total state tax of 45+%. The alcohol tax is 29% + sales tax for a total of 37%. Cannabis taxes at the state level are 8+% more than alcohol also cannabis is taxed at federal maximum of I believe 37% of gross income minus cost of goods sold. Cannabis taxes are above 82% of the total retail gross cost in Washington state.
Gz-Nutz- t1_jc67xjb wrote
It pays for healthcare. Large reason why Washington state has “universal healthcare”
Thosetowhoevilisdone t1_jc67z1x wrote
The only legal state where it is still a felony to grow your own plants....State sponsored monopoly that forces us to buy stale, dry, overpriced garbage.
Gz-Nutz- t1_jc680lv wrote
Money isn’t from the cannabis industry tho. It’s tech money that bought cannabis
Gz-Nutz- t1_jc682pz wrote
Pays for their healthcare and the police ironically
herbnoh t1_jc6cyxl wrote
Beer and wine are not included if that’s what you think is throwing it off, they are taxed differently/ independently.
Shisty t1_jc6k4xm wrote
The LCB is doing everything they can to strangle the industry. Expect that number to go down next year as black market sales begin to make a big return.
KevyKev223 t1_jc6ovxe wrote
Crane operator, they always want a reason to blame the operator. It’s part of having certifications. Which is why most drink heavily daily. As long as you get 8 hrs of sleep most people are ok the next morning.
Eskimoobob t1_jc6toum wrote
Local governments are like: "No legal marijua...hol' up how much in taxes?
Welcome to our 5th new cannabis shop!"
BackYardProps_Wa t1_jc6v3d3 wrote
And they’re still raising/making more taxes
OldRuskiNoir t1_jc6vqks wrote
And my "for tobacco use only" 6ft water pipe.
Generalbuttnaked69 t1_jc6y7zb wrote
We pay teachers pretty well in Washington post Cleary. I know a couple around the ten year mark that are making around 115k.
[deleted] t1_jc70r4c wrote
Snushine t1_jc71c2h wrote
Uhg. But thanks for staying "safe" for the rest of us.
Fast_Phase888 t1_jc7280r wrote
Anyone ever down to smoke? College has been stressful these last weeks.
Allisonosaurus t1_jc74wc8 wrote
My $3k hospital bill disagrees with this statement.
It pays for state medicaid, if you're not dirt poor you don't get shit.
zer04ll t1_jc75hfq wrote
where is the money for funding, and its gone...
[deleted] t1_jc7myed wrote
sharedisaster t1_jc7rkvi wrote
Really? I thought WA state allowed private consumption of a certain amount of plants.
Edit: I was wrong. Crazy. But there is a bill coming up that looks to pass this.
Thosetowhoevilisdone t1_jc7s5s9 wrote
The bill is already dead this legislative session, home grow in WA state is still a felony and will be for at least the next 3 years.
wwJones t1_jc7u9ky wrote
Why are WA State school districts proposing layoffs and budget cuts?
Collie_Mom t1_jc8f04g wrote
Thank you for your reply
WorldlyString t1_jcdxi3e wrote
The UN yesterday ordered the US to enforce federal laws, and Biden promised to respect and follow UN treaties that we signed, so we might make this illegal if Biden keeps his promise.
OceanPoet87 t1_jco4a8g wrote
I'm not into weed but our state has made a lot of money off of it. Hopefully Idaho keeps sending their money across the border.
Unlucky-Ad-1472 t1_jcsl3g6 wrote
Most of the teachers are paying into this tax...
b-reactor t1_jcw2zo3 wrote
incredible the amount of revenue mj is generating, other states should take note
hikingdub t1_jc4kbml wrote
I'm doing my part!