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monkey_trumpets t1_je58ya6 wrote

We really are. If you haven't already done so, pick a sunny day and drive 101 between Hoodsport and Port Townsend, with a detour to Port Ludlow. It's unbelievably beautiful.


oldgar t1_je5jfwc wrote

We are, one can only hope that people continue to show it respect. Seems like so many car commercials show how wonderful it is to four wheel it blasting into the wilderness throwing up dirt and drifting to a stop at a spectacular overlook.


jusstabean OP t1_je5ncyj wrote

For me it's alllll the trash scattered on the highways & stuff. I find it so sad people get to live in an area like this & just toss their cups or junk out their window :/


oldgar t1_je5ow1e wrote

Yes, I don't get that either. When I was in my early 20s I woke up to the odious effects of my laziness, so easy to just drop it out the window. But as a mature adult (mostly ha ha) I could never litter. Also, pick up after my dog, and unfortunately after other people's as well on occasion. What is it with us? Scandanavian countries, Germany, etc. don't have this problem, Japan is virtually literless.


jusstabean OP t1_je5qja5 wrote

Ya I find myself picking up trash in parking lots on my way into the store sometimes & every once in a while I think "this isn't my job" but it is if I want to keep enjoying the scenery! I guess we can sum it all up to some people just don't care


fcdemergency t1_je5vsaj wrote

Living in texas with nothing but rolling farmland between cities (barring the hill gorgeous country), i couldn't imagine waking up one weekend and taking a short trip to go hike and see this. What a treat. Wish i could move.


fcdemergency t1_je607n5 wrote

Ah yeah i went camping there once with my Dad, and it is indeed a gorgeous spot. Palo Duro gets forgotten about being the 2nd biggest canyon in the nation.

But thats a good example since its in the pandhandle, which is probably one of the least populated areas. There's loads of dope caves and caverns in central texas too that we take pride in. The thing is lots of these things aren't super close to major cities. When you live in Dallas for example, you're pretty far from cool nature. The urban and suburban sprawl doesn't help either.

I love our Texas gems but none of it i would say compares to the countless images i see in this sub.


jusstabean OP t1_je613w1 wrote

That's true about 6 hours here & youre from one side of the state to the other, or in Oregon. Just Googled it & it's about 17 hours to do that in Texas 😬 Come visit us sometime, you'll love it!


BananaPeelSlippers t1_je6spmu wrote

When did you take this? Wondering if it’s still snow shoe conditions atm


dammets t1_je6ujiv wrote

I went to gold creek late summer during the smoke season and it was beautiful. This pic still blew me away. There was no smoke when I went but I wonder if it’s even better there during July or august.


DifferenceSimple7114 t1_je75ggt wrote

Beautiful picture! We just moved here and still can’t believe how gorgeous it is.


GWSecureParking t1_je7i4j2 wrote

That is such a gorgeous picture! I wonder how many actual shades of green are in this picture? Stunning image, thank you for sharing :D


Reality_Choice t1_je8g4mb wrote

If I didn't believe you shot that, but I do, I would say it's a calendar page, WOWOW!!!!!